2 [END]

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Catia stared at her reflection on the mirror, objectively surprised when her dark undereyes disappeared after the ice cube treatment - suggested by Felicia, she surely would be scrambling for excuses if Lucian decided to question her face.

She smiled sadly, looking around her spacious room at the Renard manor.

By the day after tomorrow, she would be travelling around the neighboring kingdom with Felicia and her family - distant relatives of her, close nevertheless.

She was never suited to become a mundane wife worrying over house affairs after all, perhaps she was destined for something greater.

Catia chuckled at the thought.

"My lady, the marquess is on his way to the dining hall."

She twirled her ring, it was rather hard to contain her nervousness. Her father would be angry, which was why she planned her escape with Felicia.

"Three months should be sufficient for his anger to subside." she muttered to herself.


"You look like you want to say something." Lucian remarked nonchalantly, his hands skillfully slicing the meat on his plate.

Catia was going to miss his voice, even the sound of him gulping his wine was heavenly.

"It's fine. I'll tell you after we eat." she carved a straight smile.

Silence, only sounds of their clinking cutleries filling in.

"I already know, Catia."

Catia froze entirely, her heart thumped loudly.

'He knew and he looks fine.' she noted, it was hard not to feel hurt by that.

"Why do you look surprised? I passed your room today and saw your luggages. It seems Lord Couston said the truth after all."

'Lord Couston??? Felicia told her father about me breaking off my engagement??'

"Y-you're not mad, my lord?" she finally gained the courage to ask, though she sounded miserable.

The marquess suddenly look flustered. "W-well, I was upset that you didn't tell me first. Three months is quite long, and our wedding is six months away-"

"What do you mean wedding?" Catia frowned, cutting him off.

"What do you mean wedding?" he repeated her words vexingly. "Was two years of engagement not long enough for you?"

"No- What did Lord Couston tell you, Lucian?" she demanded impatiently, it definitely felt like they were talking about different matters.

He grunted. "About your three month vacation with the Coustons. And he was pestering why I wasn't coming along."

Catia closed her eyes, sighing. She was right, feeling guilty that she almost blamed Felicia for telling on her.
"That's because I wanted to end this engagement. That's why."

"Catia Vance." his face hardened, clearly staring at her in disapproval.

"Yes, my lord. Let's end this." she almost pleaded.

"Did I do something to upset you... I thought we were going well?" the tone of his voice made her wish she had said nothing at all.

"I refuse an unhappy marriage. I know, Lucian, you still love another, I saw the finance statements."


A small part of her wished that he'd deny that.

'How lucky, Isolde, oh how I wish I was you.'

"I'm sure you know I hold feelings for you, but worry not, my lord, I'll sort it out."

Catia just hoped she wasn't in too deep.

"Do you resent me?" he asked, not meeting her eyes.

"Yes. Very much."


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