Chapiter 2 : i can't recall

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Shay's POV:

Its monday , first day of college after spring break , no one usually gets excited about mondays or college in general ,but i do , since all holidays are the same for me , home , watching movies with sarah of course , as you all may know i don't have a boyfriend , well to be clear i've never loved or liked someone before , you can't actually blame me about this one since all the boys in my college are some nurdy looking shit , wait you may think that they're the kind of hot nurds but hell to the no they're the ugliest nurds i've ever seen , and to make you believe me they're all single .
What a way to start my day . I should be thinking about my studies , oh my God I totally forgot that i have a lot of exams this week , and we have a special guest coming over to our college today , they said he's the most successful doctor of Florida , he probably might be at the age of my first grandpa so no hope for me to have any interest towards the shit he's going to give us a lesson about .
It's 6.30am already and i haven't picked my outfit yet , well since I am not looking forward to impress anybody i will go with my everyday outfit which consists , a loose fitting white t-shirt with some boyfriend jeans and a leather jacket with my all time favorite a pair of black Toms . After brushing my hair and doing all the necessary bathroom thing , i head down stairs and into the kitchen to have something to eat , after doing so i grabbed the keys to my Toyota and slammed the door shut behind me only to earn a lecture from my mom " learn some manners young lady and don't you ever slam the door shut behind you"
"Whatever" i murmured while climbing inside my car and exiting the parking lot . It's a half an hour drive so i turned the radio on to entertain myself a bit , i hummed to basically all of the songs that come out of the radio speaker until i finally made it in front of my college's tremendous double door .
Stepping out of the car making sure it was securely locked i made a beeline towards the hall where i found everybody doing there usual "after vacation greeting " thing , so since sarah hasn't show up yet i decided to get my necessary books for my first class .
As i was about to go to my class i heard someone calling my name non stop , sure i know who it was i stopped and waited for her to approach me .
" hey shay omg i was looking for you , where were you ?!" She said , she was trying to catch her breath i can tell by her tired figure that she was running . Basically like she had participated in a marathon .
" wow calm down buddy i was just by the lockers grabbing my books " , this girl is really my everything we've been best friends since kinder-guarding , she's a secret keeper , a fun maker , basically everything you could ask for to be in a best friend . I really can't imagine my life without her although she has a boyfriend she still manage to find some time for me , she could postpone all of her dates for me , Ryan should hate me for that i know . But i can't help it whenever i have a problem i have to call her first , so sorry Ryan for that .
I waited for sarah to grab her things from the locker and then we head to the college cafeteria since we still have some five minutes left , we started talking about some random things like she went on a romantic date with Ryan and got back home late that night , her mom was mad at her so she was grounded for the rest of the week only allowed to visit me since her mom know about my health condition and all . " so what about you , how was your spring break ?!" She asked while taking a sit of her coffee
" ow sarah c'mon you're asking like you don't know me at all , we've been together the whole week !"
"Well I'm just asking if i missed something you know " she gave me a teasing smile with a wink .
"Oh stop it " i said , well she could be annoying some times but still i love her , "we better get going the class should start anytime soon"
"Fine" she said and we both made it in time in front if the class door .
Oh its finally lunch time , it was such a boring class , the teacher keeps talking about cancer , like they just love to see me pissed , i hate all diseases especially cancer , well i have it that's why . So me and sarah decided to have lunch in a near diner since our 2nd class starts late afternoon , so as we entered the place , a boy greeted us , sarah told him that we want a table for 2 and he nodded , we sat down and ordered 2 ham burgers with french fries no ketchup. "So , ah guess what omg i didn't tell you ,didn't i ? " she said while taking a bite from her burger . "What , no u didn't and i don't know what you're talking about !" I said
"Omg u know that we have a guest coming today , well the next class we have !" I nodded gesturing for her to elaborate "he's the hottest doctor in the whole florida , i said hot and i mean it shay , he's just ....breathtaking "
"Wow that much "
"Yeah " "and newsflash babe he's only 28 " she said , i can't help but laugh , i won't lie i was so excited to see him from sarah's opinion he must be really hot .
We finished eating and head back to our 2nd class which happens to be our last one , and here we entered a huge amphitheater , everybody and especially the girls were rushing to take the front row , me and sarah sat at the second row , we were waiting until we heard someone clearing his throat over the mic , i left my head up to see a brown hair-ish guy with blue eyes flipping some pages from his large document . "See told ya " sarah said , i immediately tuned to gaze at her , she was playing with her hair while chewing a gum , "yeah" i said and the lesson begins . I was looking at him , i mean he really looks so familiar to me like i saw him before , well i know that i visit hospitals more than my actual home but i can't really remember him , it's been more than a week since i was in a hospital , i know my memory is sucks I'm only 21 and i can't remember what i had for dinner yesterday . My mom always keeps complaining about me forgetting things , so great just great isn't it , lung cancer and suck memory , i can't ask for more seriously . 'Well this is you destiny shay God is there for you ' always my subconscious keeps reminding me and i thank her for that , i should never loose faith in God cause he's always there for me when nobody was .
This lesson is so good so far , i loved the way he explained things , and he's really humble compered to all the other doctors who taught us before . Me and sarah were so busy taking notes and asking questions yeah you can tell that we were interested in this lecture not what i imagined earlier this morning . So as everybody was packing their things to leave ,sarah decided to ask the doctor about some things so we waited till everybody was gone .
"Um doctor can i ask you something ?!" Sarah asked making him turn his attention to us
"Yeah sure , go ahead " , he was really good looking i can't help but to gaze at him the whole time he was talking to her , after finishing their conversation , we were about to leave until i heard him call my name . What ?! My name ?! He knew me then ?! I was sure that i saw him before !.
#happy to update , thank you all . Love you ❤️❤️ make sure to comment and vote .

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