Chapter4: curious

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Songs of this chapter:

Earned it "the weekend"

Air "shawn Mendes ft astrid "

All my love "Ariana grande "

Mind " jack ü ( skrillex & diplo )

Shay's POV
As the time passes by , it's 8 p.m me and sarah had been focusing so much on having our work done than actually caring about time . So we both stood up, gathered our things to leave before our parents came looking for us especially me because i have a history with going back home late , not on purpose though .... Maybe .
A saturday night, the first night in my history that i was allowed to go out with sarah in a weekend day , my parents thought that we were just going to go to the cinema and watch some movies with popcorn and call it a night , but being the devil i'm ,with the help of sarah's evilly thoughts we decided that its way better to live our life a little and have fun in a club , well since we're adults we can do the hell we want. So as we were in front of the club's door i started to feel kinda dizzy and nauseous , i thought it's normal since it was that time of the month , as we entered the club everybody was dancing and drinking , the music was really loud which adds more pain to my head ache .
"Are you okay?!" Sarah asked loud enough for me to hear , by the look on her face i can tell she was starting to get worried .
The lights were so bright with different colors ,i can't handle this any longer .
"I'm just a little bit dizzy" although i was getting sick i didn't want to ruin the night for her and be a fun killer but unfortunately it was beyond my power , slowly my eyes began to shut closed and my chest felt tighter and tighter . Next thing i know i was laying in a hospital bed with my mom sitting in a chair next to me . So she found out that we were in a club and i was grounded for a week about it .
End of flashback .
After what felt like forever driving ,i finally made it home , i parked my car in the nearest parking lot to the house ,and as i was about to open the front door , i looked around me ,not that i'm afraid or anything but it's just a thing that've been doing lately , i spot a couple from what i could tell they were fighting , they were screaming from the top of their lungs , no one seems to notice because nobody was around at 9pm except me , so being the curious i'm i just dropped my bag in the front steps and went a little closer to get a better view of the couple although i don't know them , i felt something weird inside pushing me to get closer and closer , as i reached my perfect spot i hid myself behind a tree . And here they are i can even hear what they were saying , usually i hate eavesdropping but i couldn't stop .
The girl is facing me so i can see her face pretty clear , she got a blond hair blue eyes from what i can see in this dim light , she was waving her hands in the air like a mad women , even though they were screaming the guy seemed much more calmer and relaxed , i was facing his back so i couldn't tell who he was or if he's one of our neighbors' sons .
"You haven't called in a week what's wrong with you, this is it then the end .. Our end ?" I can feel it , her eyes were burning with tears , she was fighting the urge to cry , probably she wanted to appear strong in front of him .
"You can take it as you want , i don't love you anymore , or lets be clear i've never loved you , you've never cared about me , you love my job , my money , the gifts i always shower you with .. You know what !fuck all of this fuck you .. And i'm leaving i'm pretty sure you can find another man " he was mad , furious , from what i came up with , she is these kind of gold diggers ,she only care about money and cloths no feelings involved , i instantly felt sorry for the guy , he really does deserve a better person .
He left her there crying , he lives just few blocks away from my house , luckily nobody sees me so i just stood up and went back to pick up my bag , as i opened the front door . I was met with my moms figure , oh God please help me no more 'you're grounded for a week ' thing .
"Where were you young lady ? an hour ago you said that you'll be back from the library what took so long " she took a moment before continuing "last time i checked the house is not that far from ....." I cut her of , i'm 21 okay for God's sake .
"It's traffic mom " i looked her straight in the eyes ,a thing i do when i want her to believe me and it always works .
"Fine" she said , she was annoyed i see . So i walked past her and went straight to my room , i quickly changed into a pair of fuzzy socks and some shirt and pajama pants nothing too fancy .
As i was about to close my eyes , i heard a knock on my door .... Great just great " i'm sleeping leave me alone " i knew who he was , it's Chris my lovely little brother , he always came to me in the middle of the night asking for some help with his homework .
"Please shay you know that i hate science , just this one i promise "
"Fine , come in" i gave in ,well i love him .

Love you guys so much , make sure to comment and vote !❤️❤️😍
I'm sorry again for late update , it's a lot going on right now ( exams and stuff ..) so Yea enjoy ⭐️⭐️⚡️

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