Chapter3: Hope

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Shay's POV
When i turned around i saw him with his head held high and his lips are forming a smile that i can't resist . i'm so nervous , i have to admit , i still can't remember where the hell i saw him , but i will once we talk . I can tell from the sound of footsteps behind me that sarah is hot in my heels , he was just some steps a head of me , his hands are crossed to his chest , he's really hot looking .
"Yes" i said once i was in front of him , his smile grows bigger and become more charming than ever .
"You don't remember me ?!" I can tell that he was kinda disappointed that i didn't remember him .
"Oh no sorry , i just feel like i saw you before somewhere" i admit , his face is really familiar .
"Yeah , well you saw me before and we talked , i was the doctor who checked on you when you were hospitalized last week , I'm dr.Johnson " , holly shit how can i forget about the one that i first open my eyes to when i woke up from my so called coma ( well not exactly a coma but i was in another world )
"Yeah i remember you right now I'm so sorry , blame it on my memory " i said well i see that i'm getting comfortable in here , i don't really get comfortable around people very easily but i can tell he's an exception .
"No it's fine , well how are you?,we didn't get the chance to know each other in the hospital , i didn't know that you study medicine" he told me , that guy is really weird he saw me one day and now he's willing to get to know me . I'm not complaining though just wondering .
"Yea.. Quite ironic isn't it i have a lung concert , and i study medicine" . Wow i see that we're getting along in here , keep going girl . From the corner of my eye i caught sarah looking at me , she was shocked i can tell , never thought that i will be standing right here right now in front if the guy that i was daydreaming about in a hospital a week ago .
"No it's totally fine , it's great actually to be able to know your body and your disease and why not cure it yourself in the near future " he's so damn nice , yeah he's right .
"Yeah , hope so " i said , and looked at his gray-ish blue eyes .
"So ms.James i just thought that i need to see if you're doing okay " he told me and paused for a little while before continuing " now that i did just so , and you're doing great ,i better go i have some things to do in the hospital you know " he's so sweet and innocent and cute and hot and and and ....the list goes on and on and if stared talking i probably won't finish until tomorrow morning so i better shut my subconscious up . "okay " is all i managed to say , i was so nervous really i haven't been this nervous around a guy ever before , it's a little bit odd "and thank you "
"It's nothing really , see you later " he said and walked away from me ,Leaving me with an annoying sarah , she was smiling like she just won a prize , i know what she's thinking and non of it will happen anyway .
"Am i dreaming or something ? He just talked to you Shay , that was .. Weird " she said , i know that she is going to talk i was just waiting for her to do so .
"It's normal don't make a big deal out of it because i know you and i know how that brain of yours function"

"Okaaay i was just saying , you know that i can't keep things i have to spill it out " she said while throwing her hands in the air to prove her point ,I know her and i know that she speaks her thoughts out before even her brain can process them .

"So lets go , we have to get to the library , it seems to me that you forgot about the exams " we have a lot of exams this week and with dr.Johnson talking with me just two minutes ago doesn't help at all i guess I'm not going to be concentrated , still i will do my best .
"Yea you're right lets go" sarah told me and i nod , we head to the parking lot , we decided that each one of us should drive her own car , because when we will finish our studies we will go our homes separate ways .
David's POV
After that short quick conversation that i had with ms.James i head to the parking lot and into my car , the ride is quite long so i just decided to start thinking about everything that has been going on with my life in these past few years , am i really happy with the path my life is taking ? Do i really want to be alone ? Am i alone in the first place ? . Well i'm not alone i have my mother and father , but no although i have them i still feel lone , i guess i need to love someone , i've been in a lot of relationships before but non of it were based on love , most women care about my appearance or my money , they've never known me , the real me , the kid that i have inside , they just see that grown strong young man that i pretend to be but i'm no where near being strong , i'm weak , very weak , i feel like i always need that special someone in my life , the one who will love me for who i'm , accept me with my strengths and weaknesses , the one who cares for me , who loves me . I don't think i'll be blessed with that one ever in my entire life . I think i just have to wait , i'll never know what the future holds for me , i hope that it's something really worth that wait or else i will have to be alone my whole life , but i can't .
i won't deny that i felt something weird near that girl , i just don't know what it is , she is so innocent and adorable , like she has no worries in that world , when we talked i felt really like i'm being myself around her , normally when i ran into one of my old patient i don't talk with them or ask if they're doing good , but there is something about her that i still can't put my hands on , i hope that's a good sign .
Well looks like i made it in front of the hospital's door , i was in deep thoughts and the time seems to run by quickly . I parked my car in that nearest parking lot and made my way inside . Every time i step foot into this place i feel nauseous despite the fact that i'm a doctor , i still wonder until this day why i become one in the first place , well saving people's lives and painting a smile in their faces is cool and all but touching blood and cutting skins is terribly gross but i'm not in it alone and i have to love my job . My dab is a doctor so is my mom , when i was a kid i grow up with my grandparents because mom and dad were so busy , they were always out at nights saving people . emergencies were really their thing , no matter what time was it they insist on going , i'm really blessed to have them and i'm thankful for what i have though it seems irritating and frustrating but this is the life i chose , and i won't change it if i had the chance to .

I'm sorry for late update , i was really sick these days . Hope you like it and vote , comment
love you xoxox❤️❤️

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