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"Ghost Town"


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"Ugh!" Jane grunts as she swings her axe into another walkers head. Jane roughly pulls her axe out of the walkers head and watches the walker drop to the ground. In her hands Jane held her new weapon that the blacksmith made her at Hilltop. It's called a Halberd. It's a combination of a spear and a poleaxe, with a long sharp point on the top, a curving blade on one side. Jane was traveling around, looking for a few supplies that the Hilltop could use even though at the moment Hilltop was thriving with a beautiful farm, lots of new members and a wonderful leader Jane who also co-leads with Tara.

They've become close and Tara has sort of taken Maggie's place since Maggie left awhile ago to go with Georgie and her people. Jane continued to travel through the woods and gripped the necklace that Glenn got her all those years ago and held it with lust. Even after all these years and even though he wasn't here. Jane still get's butterflies in her stomach just thinking of him.

Jane kept walking and continued to kill any lone walker that was coming her way when suddenly she came across a small camp. The trees near the camp had signs like, 'please stay away' but when Jane looked at the camp it was like a ghost town. Jane gripped her Halberd in her hand and slowly started to approach the camp. A few tents were set up and looked like whoever lived or is living here had a place set up for food and they had lots of it. There was a homemade fence surrounding the camp and Jane stepped right over it, her boots making the leaves crinkle.

There was a camp fire set in the middle of the camp and Jane checked in and it seemed like the fire was lit... recently. "When you see a sign that says stay away you should listen to it next time" A girl says behind Jane and Jane widens her eyes before she swings her weapon behind her but the girl ducks and punches Jane across her face. "Who are you?" The girl asked and Jane looked to the girl. The girl had blonde hair that went to her shoulders and she was holding a shot gun in her hand and had multiple knifes in her belt. "Just answer the question" Someone says and Jane furrows her eyebrows as a group of people emerge from the woods and there was five of them in total, all armed.

"You can't take all of us" One of the other girls said, she had slightly curly hair and one demanding voice that made it seem like she was the leader or at least these people listened to her. "Wanna bet?" Jane questions as she kicks the blonde girl in front of her in the chest making her fall onto the ground and drop her gun. "Ah!" Jane grunts as the curly headed women runs towards her and tackles her to the ground before she can even stand up straight and grab her weapon. "At least make it a fair fight" Jane says before she knees the women in he stomach a few times and tosses her to the side.

Jane begins to crawl away and try to grab her weapon but her foot is grabbed by the blonde haired girl and she hears multiple guns cock above her. Jane catches her breath and turns around to lay on her back and sees the group of five people have their guns pointed at her. "I really don't wanna shoot you so tell us who you are and why you decided to come onto our camp" One of the men say and Jane looks to him as he looks down at her with concern. "I'm Silas" He introduces as he puts his gun down and Jane swallows a large lump down her throat as she looks around at the group. "This is the part where you introduce yourself" Silas states and Jane sighs as she slowly sits up. "Jane. My name is Jane" Jane introduces.

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