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Emma's POV

I could kiss Cash forever. And I know people use that word as an exaggeration but I genuinely mean it.

This kiss was different from any other time I had been kissed. It was soft and careful, like Cash was afraid it'd turn to dust at any minute. I don't know how else to convince him that I'm real and I'm here.

Him and I still have a bit to build up our relationship again but for now, we're okay and we're both in it for the long run. And that's enough for two teenagers in love.

Cash pulled his lips from mine and attached them to my forehead in one last soft kiss. I bit down on my lip to keep from smiling too wide but it was no use. I felt tears in my eyes and blinked but that only seemed to make it worse.

"Oh jeez, I'm not supposed to make you cry Emma." Cash took his thumbs and swiped them under my eyes to get rid of the moisture.

"They're happy tears, I promise." I spoke back, leaning into Cash's touch.


Cash and I froze at the yelling coming from downstairs. We burst into laughter and Cash rose from my bed. "Should we head down there?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked hand in hand down the stairs and when we reached the bottom, Sam and Ashley looked up from whatever they were doing in the kitchen.

We walked over to the counter that separated Cash and I from Sam and Ashley. Sam had what I assumed was flour in his hair and Ashley was wearing a chefs hat from god knows where.

"She's crying." Sam whispered to Ashley. "What do I do?"

"Go comfort her." Ashley responded also in a whisper. It was as if Cash and I weren't supposed to be hearing them, yet we did, very clearly.

"How do I do that?"

"Start with hugs."

"With what?" Sam blanked out, his eyes moving between Cash and I. Ashley sighed and took the ridiculous white hat off her head and walked around the counter. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm okay." I spoke in gasps, a result of Ashley hugging me a little too tightly. But I wasn't complaining.

After Ashley pulled away, she gestured for Sam to come over but he stayed put. "Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" My best friend asked and I shook my head.

"Ashley, no."

"What if I just break his nose a little?" She held her fingers up, pinching the air to emphasize how "little" she's talking.

"Let's not." I responded, patting Ashley's shoulder and she sighed, sending me a small smile.

I started to smell something off in the air and fanned the air. Peering, into the kitchen, I saw a large grey cloud start to form. "Uh, is that smoke?" I asked, grabbing everyone's attention.

"No?" Ashley answered.

"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question!" I yelled, following everyone into the kitchen. We stood back as Sam opened the oven and even more smoke poured out.

"The doors!" He yelled and Ashley, Cash, and I raced to open the doors and windows. Sam grabbed a dish towel and fanned it out, waving it around the kitchen.

Soon, the oven was off and the smoke was gone. We shut the doors but left the windows open just for good measure.

"Well," Ashley hopped up to sit on the counter. "This is going to sound controversial, but I think that went well."

The four of us stared at the now black, what I'm assuming is cake, sitting in the sink. Sam had turned on the sink water and drowned the cake "just in case."

"This just scrambles my eggs." Ashley crossed her arms and swung her legs as they dangled from the side of the counter.

Her and Sam exchanged a look and Ashley nodded in my direction. I backed away so I could look at both of them. "Okay what's going on here?" I asked.

"You noticed it too? I thought it was just me." Cash spoke, siding up next to me. His hand found my shoulder and I leaned into him subconsciously.

"Goodness gracious. What I have learned from my time here is that I am the backbone of this household." Ashley grabbed Sam's arm and mine and dragged us into the living room. "You." She added, pointing at Cash.

"Me?" Cash placed a finger on his chest.

"We need more cake supplies and you're driving." Ashley got behind Cash and pushed him to the front door.

"Oh, is that really a good idea? I'm sure there's more flour somewhere in the cabinets."

"Grocery store. Now." Ashley opened the front door and pushed Cash onto the porch. She slipped on a pair of my shoes since they were close by and tossed Cash's shoes outside.

"See ya." Ashley gave Sam and I a wave before shutting the door behind her. Through the wood, you could hear the two of them bicker.

"I call shot gun!"

"Im driving and you're the only other person in the car."

"Just for that, I'll sit in the back."

"Just sit in the front seat."

"Well if you insist."

I giggled to myself and looked over at Sam who was leaning into the couch. "So I guess we should talk, huh?"


Filler chapter because of ~writers block~ and I knew I'd have to post SOMETHING

me: *types "well"*

autocorrect: "WE'LL"

we'll we'll we'll

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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