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gave up but still read if u want ig 😍

Tw: slurs & homophobia.

Monday morning.

Deena's pov:

"Deena fucking get up" "we're gonna be late hurry up" Deena's little brother josh yelled.

"Yeah yeah I'm up" Deena slowly said with her eyes opening.

"It's 7:24am we have to leave in 10 minutes get up" josh yells. He sounds pissed but he'll get over it.

"Well Get out my room so I can get ready " Deena yelled throwing a pillow at josh but he shuts the door fast enough so it misses him.

Deena groans as She gets up and goes to her closet puts on a baggy Shirt with some jeans and dirty converses 'but they were the cool kind of dirty'

Deena hates Monday. Not just the waking up early but it was the lessons too.. she always had the same lessons as Samantha fraser.. Deena hates sam. The way she walks and talks and the way she laughs with her friends.

And of course sam is a cheerleader. All of the cheerleaders are bitches. 'Except Kate of course'

Kate is one of Deenas best friends. They met in the 6th grade Deena was drawing on the bathroom stalls and Kate was laughing at what she was drawing.

Deena walks out her room too the smell of beer. She knew her dad has been home and she had to tidy up his mess.

"Fuck sake dad" she said as she picks up the beer cans and chucking them into the bin.

She didn't bother to grab anything to eat there wasn't enough time.

"Josh! hurry we've got to go" josh comes running up the stairs in the matter of seconds ready to go.
"Cmon you were the one yelling at me to leave a second ago" Deena says chuckling.

Once they get to school josh runs to meet his friends and Deena is left to walk to her locker.

"Heyyy ladykiller" Deena turns around and there's Kate walking towards her with her arms wrapped around books.

Deena just smiles at her and opens her locker. A little note falls out and Deena looks straight to kate in confusion. "What the fuck"

She grabs the paper and opens it
'fucking lesbian' She shows Kate "what a bunch of dicks, who'd say that" Deena just shrugged and ripped it up,slammed her locker shut and walked to class.

She walks into the class and sits in the far right corner. She's just staring out the window when she feels someone looking at her.She looks around and sees Samantha fraser looking at her.

She quickly looks away when she realises Deena has noticed. "what the fuck" Deena muttered. Why was sam looking at her.

'Samantha fraser is so hot.. the way her hair perfectly sits on her shoulders. The way she dresses. Her dimples when she smiles. Her beautiful blue eyes.

The bell rings and Deena gets out of her gaze. 'Fuck Deena u cant fancy Samantha fraser'

Kate is in her next class which she was thankful for.

"Holy shit Kate, you'll never guess who I caught staring at me in first lesson" Deena says almost abit to exited. "Samantha fucking fraser"
"NO WAY" Kate yells abit to loud that everyone looks at her.
"Kate.. Deena.. is everything alright. I hope ur talking about the work" our teacher quickly said.

We both just looked down giggling. Kate always knew that deep down Deena liked sam she just never showed it or maybe she didn't even realise herself.

Maths was the last lesson till lunch and of course sam was in it.
The teacher was talking about some fraction shit when she said "we are doing a project, I am choosing your partners" I never pair up with people I always do projects by myself. But now I had to have a partner.

"Jason S and holly P"
"Mark M and Millie B
"Mason R and Jasmine L"
"Deena J and Samantha F"

I have to work with sam fucking fraser are you joking.

A few minutes after miss said our partners Samantha walked up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"I guess we're partners" she said with a slight smirk.

"I guess so Samantha" I said looking up at her.

She looks so beautiful. 'Snap out your thoughts Deena Johnson'

we talked for the rest of the hour about how and what we are gonna do.

Untill she asked. "Are we gonna do the project at your house?"

Samantha fucking fraser Where stories live. Discover now