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Tw: slurs & homophobia

Sams pov: of last chapter

"Are we gonna do the project at your house?"

Deena looks at me all shocked at what I said.

"I- oh uh yeah sure I guess so"

"Ah alright cool"

I could feel myself smiling wtf.

Around 15 minutes passed and it was the end of school.

I saw Deena rushing out the class room and I had to stop her.

"Deena wait"

"Uh yeah?"

Fuck Deena's so beautiful.

"So uhm I was just wondering like if you'd like to start the project today?" "That's if your not busy you don't have to like cancel any plans if you have any" I kept playing with my hands. I don't know why I was so fucking nervous.

"Uh yeah I'm not busy?" Deena said with a smile.

I just stood there saying nothing.

"So uh do you need a ride?" "It's pretty dark out" the brunette said turning around looking at the sky.

"Yeah... yes please"

'Sam get ur shit together stop being awkward'

Once we got into Deena's car my phone went off about 5 times.
Of course it was maddie

M-Where the fuck are you
M-I saw u get into Deena's car
M-answer me wtf
M-what are you doing with a freak like Deena Johnson
M-you still doing are plan?

Holy shit what is wrong with her.

S- wtf Maddie I'm doing a project with her.
M-no way! are u going to her house???
S-yes why is that a problem?

Maddie is really starting too piss me off.

M-omg! u have to lead her on. Fuck with her feelings.
S-what no I can't do that again!
M-cmon sam she's such a freak.
S-Maddie I cant she's actually a really nice person.
M- you aren't falling for her are you?
S- what? What! No I'm not.
M-whatever but don't be surprised if she makes a move.

I couldn't reply anymore Maddie was pissing me off. Deena kept glancing over to me I could tell she knew I was pissed.
I just decided to say nothing...

"Uh alright we're here" the brunette glanced over to me smiling.

We both walk up to her front door and she lets me walk in first.

I start looking around at all her baby photos and all the paintings on the wall. Her house is unique. It's pretty.

"Josh!" "We're home"

"Who's josh?"

"My stupid little brother" Deena chuckled.

Once we walk up to her room she sits on her bed grabbing all the things we need for the project.

I just walk around her room. Her room is so cool. She's really cool.

I just stand there looking at Deena and what she's grabbing but then she looks up at me. And I feel myself going awkward.

"Uhm okay well I have all the things ready if you want to start?" She said moving everything for me to sit.

I don't know why but I felt really nervous to sit next to her. But I sat anyway.

We started to do the project
"So uh I'm guessing we just answer a load of fraction questions or some shit like that?"

"Uh yeah something like that" "we will just do what ever and see what it makes up"

"Uh yeah alright cool"

I kept looking at Deena multiple times while doing the project. She looked so beautiful. She's so beautiful.

'U cant like Deena sam. Everyone will look at you differently. Treat u differently. Ur not a lesbian'

I was just answering the 23 fraction question and I saw Deena get up and play some music.

Taylor swift- back to December- started playing.

"No way someone like you listens to Taylor swift" we both chuckled.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean" the brunette said playfully punching my arm.

After talking about all the Taylor swift songs for about 15 minutes I look up at Deena and she's in a world of her own.

She looks up at me and looks at my lips.

I felt something in my stomach but I just brushed it off.

That's when Deena started to lean in and pressed her lips against mine.

I jumped up "what the fuck Deena" I didn't want to sound disgusted but I know that's how it came out.

"Holy shit sam I'm so sorry" she gets up and started walking towards me.

"No don't walk closer to me"
My anxiety was going everywhere I didn't want to hurt Deena.

"Sam I'm so sorry." "I- I don't know what took over me"

"Im not into girls" "Im not a freak like you Deena!" "I never will be into girls, im not a fucking lesbian"

I was so shocked when I said that.
I know there was no coming back from what I just said. She looked so hurt.

"Wait, wait... we're you the one who put that fucking letter in my locker?" I could tell she wanted to cry.

"No.. yes but it wasn't my id-"

Deena cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Get the fuck out sam"

I couldn't get myself to say anything else so I just grabbed my coat and left..

I walked out her front door and ran home.

My mum didn't even ask where I was or anything she just sat on the sofa smoking watching the television.

I hated myself for what I said to Deena.

I wouldn't just act like that for no reason.

I have feelings for Deena Johnson.

😍 again I'm sorry if it switches to first person, second person and third person <3

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