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As you all know by now this is where I address any concerns with this book. I think I'm going to start with the last chapter of my book which discusses the topic of abortion.

I'm not going to explicitly express my option on the subject because I don't think it's really important. If you like my book then please read it; I just noticed that even published authors never go over the topic and I think it's important. Discussing these topics are controversial yes but, they happen whether we like it or not. I just wanted to bring light to the emotions behind it because I have people I know who have gone through this trauma.

If I'm being completely honest if you don't like it don't fucking read my book. There are so many other people who can, will, and want to read this book despite the abortion topic.

I know I'm being harsh but I'm a blunt person, I don't want to be told my book isn't good just because I wrote about something. If I have a decent book I have a decent book; just because I don't write about popular ideals doesn't mean my book isn't decent.

I love all my fans and I appreciate you all reading my book there are just a few people out there. I'm not going to say who, who have tried to put me down or convince me to write my book in a different way then I plan. But it doesn't mean I don't love them anyways because I do love them.

But all movie rights belong to dreamworksTM.

All original content is mine and I hope that you all enjoy :)

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