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It's been a couple weeks since I got my tattoo with Colby. Christmas is coming in a few days so tonight, we're doing a hangout.

We're going to exchange gifts and hang out before everyone leaves. I was going to miss the shit out of everyone.

Especially Colby. I'm just happy everyone's going to fly back before New Years so everyone can be here and celebrate.

We were doing Secret Santa and I got Colby. I was honestly thrilled about it.

I went shopping with Evan and Wesley since they didn't have me or each other. Evan had Jake while Wesley had Corey.

I was in my room, getting dressed for tonight. I got my tattoo fully done a couple days ago and I couldn't have been more proud of it.

I had on a black mesh undershirt with a blood red t-shirt. It had a black markings on it and I had on black skinny jeans.

It wasn't the most festive but at least I have red on. "We're going to be leaving here soon!" Serena announced to me.

I made sure my hair looked decent before going into the living room. I had Colby's presents in my hand.

I got him a couple band t-shirts and rings. I was honestly excited to see everyone before they leave.

We all gathered our stuff and headed to the traphouse. We listened to music and talked on the way there.

When we walked in, it looked very festive. You can tell the girls decorated it.

I could hear laughter from the room with the bar so we all went over there. Corey and Jake were both sitting in there talking.

"Where's everyone else at?" Serena asked looking around. "I think they're finishing up their wrapping." Corey spoke.

We all nodded while we sat the bags down in front of the tree. "I'm going to go check on Colby." I announce.

I jog up the stairs so I could go up to his room. Before going inside, I knock on his door.

"Hey, Colby. It's Jordan." I announce. There was some shuffling and then he opened the door.

I looked down at his outfit. He had on a black t-shirt with red and black plaid pants. He honestly looked really good.

"Did you plan to match with me?" He asked stepping aside. I walked in and looked around.

I scrunch my nose as I look at him. "I think you matched with me." He rolled his eyes as he grabs his bag.

We go downstairs and head to the room. Everyone was down there and talking. "I thought we were missing a couple." Sam teased.

As I walked past him, I made sure to push his head jokingly. When I sit down, he flips his hair back into place.

We all catch up with each other and start handing out presents. Kat gave me the same bag Colby had so I looked at him.

He was on the other end of the couch so he looked over towards me. He just shrugged which made me smile.

We all started opening up presents, Corey going first. I smiled to myself knowing what he got.

He pulled out the meme sunglasses causing him to laugh. "I'm never taking these off." Corey laughed.

Evan just gave him a slight head nod. Devyn got a Jeffery Star makeup kit from Kat.

Sam got Kat a pretty necklace. Evan got a new pipe from Jake. "I felt so weird buying that." Jake laughed.

Everyone then looked at me cause they wanted me to open mine. I dig into the bag and immediately start laughing.

"What is it?" Serena asked peaking over. I bring it out and unfold it. Colby had made a personalized apron with his face on it.

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