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It's been a couple days since the whole Miami thing and my mental state has gotten a lot better.

I haven't told anyone what happened because it traumatized me. The same night everything went down, I had a nightmare.

It was about basically the same thing, but something happened to Colby in it. When I heard the gun shot, I woke up crying and panicking.

Colby had to calm me down and it took me a little bit to realize that he was okay.

Today is the day that I'm meeting Ricky and Nick Ireland.

Ricky is nineteen while Nick is sixteen. I've seen a couple of their videos and they seemed like cool dudes.

We decided to go meet them at their house and they were going to take us to an abandoned school.

We were currently on the way to their house. I'm pretty sure they still live with their parents which is dope.

When we get there, we all make sure we look decent. Colby had on his Justin Bieber shirt which I'm surprised he wore it.

I had on a band shirt and skinny jeans with my high top vans. We told the boys we were here so as we walked out the door, they came out.

We introduce each other since we haven't met yet. They seemed super cool.

They said they were ready to leave so we all got into their car.

They four boys caught up so I just listen and let them talk. After the events that happened when we flew in, I was definitely nervous.

But I didn't want to let them know so I just kept it to myself. We drove to the school and went to film the intro to the video.

We all got out of the car while Ricky stayed in there. I could tell he was filming and super nervous.

This place was in the middle of the neighborhood so I don't think we'll get caught.

"How long have you been exploring?" Nick asked making conversation with me as we waited for Ricky.

"Since high school so I was probably your age." I sounded super old when I said that.

I told him how I've never been caught, not saying anything about the other day. I did end up getting bruises from that sadly.

Since I'm super pale right now, you can tell they're there.

I made sure to put a lot of bracelets on my wrists so you wouldn't see the handcuff bruise. Every time Colby sees it, he gets a sad look on his face.

Ricky gets out of the car so we all start heading to the abandoned school.

We have to hop a fence and run through a field to get there. The amount of running I've done on this trip is crazy.

Ricky was filming while me, Sam, and Colby walked behind them.

He put the camera towards us as I look at Sam. "I think we got this guys." He said with little to no hope in his voice.

We all walk across the street and make sure there's no cars.

Colby and Nick hop the fence first so I took the next opportunity. Colby made sure I got on my feet safely which was super sweet.

I thank him as the other two hop the fence. We all start running along a building that had some shrubbery close to the wall.

There was enough space for us to walk in between it in a single file line.

I was in between Colby and Ricky and Colby was leading us.

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