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"Have fun, be careful baby." I tell Colby as he walks out of the apartment. He was leaving to go film.

Him, Sam, Elton, and Matt were going to the seance tunnel again. "I will. I'll see you soon." He bent down to kiss me.

We kiss for a moment and he walks away. While he's gone, I'm hanging out with Tara, Jake, and Wesley.

Wesley was already over so we were just waiting for Tara and Jake. Wesley was sitting on the couch, playing guitar.

Out of our friend group, Wesley was the talented one. He can sing and play guitar. He wants to start putting music out there.

I think he should, one hundred percent. "I'm surprised you didn't go with them." Wesley said when I sit down.

He looked over at me while strumming on his guitar. "Ghost hunting isn't my thing." Plus I don't know Elton and Matt that well.

I just hope they're safe. As we hung out, Jake and Tara walked in. They had pizza and code red for us.

"Damn, I see you Wesley." Jake hyped him up. Wesley grabbed his dab pen so he could hit it.

Serena is currently bartending while Evan is tattooing. I want another tattoo, I just haven't had time to get it yet.

"What's it like to be high?" Jake asked Wesley while sitting next to him. Wesley handed him his dab, signaling he could hit it.

"Are you sure?" He asked as I looked at them. I was totally into this pizza. "Yeah dude. Trust me, I have enough." He spoke.

I look over to see Jake hitting the dab pen. I look over at Tara while shaking my head.

"This is going to be an interesting night." I tell her as she agrees with me. He hit it a couple times and gave it back to Wes.

"Are you two going to Coachella?" Tara asked making conversation. I nodded while finishing my food.

I take a drink of my code red before answering. "Yeah, Colby got me tickets for it." I answer her.

"I think Evan got us two tickets. I don't know if Serena is going." Wesley spoke.

"Wait, really?" I didn't know that. He nodded while strumming on his guitar still.

"She hasn't told us if she could get off work." That would suck if she couldn't.

I don't want her to be left out of everything. I'll have to talk to her about it tomorrow.

I was excited to go since it'll be my first big music festival. I've been to a couple small ones when I was in high school.

We all went to one and it was pretty cool. I always wanted to go to Warped tour but since my mom heard bad things, she wouldn't let me.

Childish Gambino, Tame Impala, and Ariana Grande are headlining. I've been wanting to see her for years now.

We were all getting an air bnb together. "I think me and Kat were going shopping if you wanted to come with us." Tara invited me.

I looked at her strangely. "Is Devyn not going?" I ask confused. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Did you not hear?" She asked with surprise on her voice. I just give her a look like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Corey and Devyn broke up so they're not going." Jake announced. I dropped my jaw towards him.

I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not so I look over at Tara. She was nodding her head sadly.

I'm surprised that I didn't hear about it. "When did that happen?" I ask shocked.

"A couple days ago. They're both pretty tore up about it." I bet. Devyn told me once how they started dating in twenty-fifteen.

I feel so bad for them. "Do you know why?" They both started shaking there heads.

"We need to plan a girls day with her to try to cheer her up." Tara agreed with me.

We were going to try to do it sometime this week. I make sure to text Devyn that if she needs to talk, I'm here.

She told me how she's hurting but she'll enjoy the girls night. "How was I the last to know?" I ask while locking my phone.

"I didn't know either if that makes you feel any better." Wesley shrugged. We had an interesting night.

Jake was high for most of the night so he was entertaining. He tried to get Wesley to do a rap battle with him.

That ended up being all of us doing rap battle with all of us on Instagram live.

They said Wesley did it better but Jake's was funnier. It was a good night. Jake and Tara left about twenty minutes ago.

As I was cleaning everything up, Wesley stood up from the couch. He started stretching as he looked at me.

"I think I'm going to head home." He announced while coming over towards me. "You staying here?" He asked as I nodded.

"Colby's not back yet so I'm going to stay here and wait." I inform him. He gives me weird look.

"Do these kind of things usually last this late?" I nod my head again. I get done cleaning up so I lean against the counter.

I crossed my arms while we started talking. As we did I heard the front door open and close causing us to stop talking.

There was silence. "Colby?" I speak up. I just hear a sob coming from the door. I look at Wes confused as he shrugged.

I go over to Colby to see he was silently crying. I rush over to him and place my hand on his shoulder.

He rose his head up to look at me. His lip was quivering while tears were flowing out of his eyes.

What happened when he was gone? It was just supposed to be a video. I bring my hands up to his face to wipe the tears.

"You wanna go sit down?" I ask as softly as I can. He nods so I take him to the couch.

I ask Wesley to get him water as I take him to the couch.

He sits down and takes a deep breath. "Can you just hold me?" He pleaded. I sit down next to him.

I open my arms so he could come into them. He scoots closer to me and put his head on my chest.

I wrap one arm around his head and the other around his frame. He started crying harder into my chest.

Wesley sat the water on the coffee table and looks at me. "Do you need anything else?" He asked.

I shake my head and tell him we're okay. He walks out of the apartment, leaving me with him.

It breaks my heart seeing Colby like this. I've never seen him like this, not even when he got arrested.

It just means that something must've fucked them up. I held onto him for a while, not saying anything.

Hearing him sob in my arms made me cry a little bit. In thirty minutes, he had tired himself out.

I got him some tissues so he could wipe his eyes. He looked so sad and distraught.

"I'm sorry for all of that." He rasped towards me. He sniffled a little bit while wiping his eyes.

I shake my head towards him. "Don't apologize, it's okay." I tell him honestly.

"I don't know what happened, but I'm here for you, always." I remind him. I tell him it wholeheartedly.

"You're here, you're alive, and I'm really thankful for that." I tell him softly. I need him to know how important he is to me.

I'm so thankful he's alive. He nodded his head towards me. He didn't have to explain everything to me now.

I just want him to know I'm here for him. "I don't know what I'd do without you, J." I could tell he really meant it.

"Come on. Let's get some rest." I knew he had to be exhausted. We go into his room and lay under the covers.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He's a wonderful soul.

And I want to help him see the light again.

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