Chapter 1

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I've been wanting to publish this imagine as it's own short story, so here it is.

Disclaimer: I watch Loonaverse theories and that's what this story is based off of, so I apologize if some of this makes no sense to you. Half this stuff still makes no sense to me but I tried to explain it well. This is just a fictional story after all, so I never promised it would be 100% accurate. Plus everyone's Loonaverse theories are different anyways.

With that being said, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

After what felt like a year of darkness (but was realistically probably just a few seconds), I woke to a million new things invading my senses. Birds chirping. Leaves rustling in the cool breeze. The smell of fresh air. The feeling of warm sunlight against my skin. Before I even opened my eyes, my lips turned up in a smile. My journey to another world was successful.


My eyelids finally fluttered open once I adjusted to the bright sun rays casted down through the gaps in the leaves. Slowly turning in a circle, I took in the environment around me. It was just like everyone described: full of nature and life. From an outsider's perspective, it was beautiful and might even be considered a Utopia. But, I knew better.

Eden was far from perfect.

That is, unless you are a believer in the statement "ignorance is bliss". You see, Eden is technically a Utopia. All you could ever want is yours with a simple snap of your fingers. There would be no need to leave and venture out into the real world. Although, with every seemingly perfect deal, there was always something you had to give up. A catch, if you will.

In Eden, that catch just so happened to be truth and knowledge.

As long as you do not partake of the Forbidden Fruit, you are free to live with whatever you could ask for, yet remain oblivious to the true evils of the world around you. But, as you may know from the stories, there comes a point when those in Eden begin to question the one in charge. Their creator. God.

What could be so devastating, yet so valuable that would cause your own creator to cast you out for trying to pursue it? It makes you wonder whether a Utopia is really worth living in if you don't know what you're missing outside of it. I was sure the 4 girls residing here now were going through that exact struggle.

Fortunately for me (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) I knew the truth of the world and had knowledge of the Loonaverse. I left Eden long ago with the help of an Odd Eye bearer. Now, I possessed an Odd Eye myself and was sent on a mission of my own. But since those residing in Eden have not had their eyes opened to the truth of the Loonaverse, I was not prohibited to grant them that knowledge myself. All I could do was aid in their own discovery.

Although, as I left the Möbius forest and approached the mansion of Eden, I realized that my mission might not be as challenging as I first thought it would be. Only one of the four were still inside; the rest, nowhere to be seen. Based on the disapproving scowl planted on the humanoid projection of the creator ('the middle aged white woman in Love4eva'), I assumed they had gotten into something they weren't supposed to. Likely hiding away in the Garden of Eden. It made me wonder if Yves had already persuaded the other members to partake of the Fruit.

I supposed I would be given the opportunity to ask when Olivia Hye's eyes noticed me in the distance. It must've been a strange sight to see, a new girl in Eden that she didn't recognize. Once people left Eden, they couldn't come back. But, of course, I wasn't just a normal person. The blue Odd Eye bearer who saved me was also the one who granted me my own Odd Eye, which gave me the ability to travel between worlds.

My original color was white, pure. Because of Jinsoul, it was tainted with blue. When mixed, the light blue color symbolizes peace and trustworthiness. However, the black sin from Jinsoul's royal blue became a permanent curse upon me. This mix of purity and trustworthiness with the corruption of sin is what made me the perfect member to persuade Olivia Hye: a girl who was cursed with a mix of purity and sin herself.

Just from looking at her I could sense that she was dealing with an internal dilemma. I felt it sometimes myself: a battle between the light and the dark. It was like having an angel and a devil talking to you on each shoulder. Yet, I'm sure she felt the darkness even more than I did. There was very little black in my heart. Olivia's, on the other hand, was split right down the middle. Half filled with darkness, half filled with light.

She wanted to do the right thing and obey God. Not partake of the fruit and live in her image. But she also felt the pull to defy God. To break away from this boring, meaningless world and finally know the truth. Even though I knew that she would be happier here, I also knew that one person's happiness was not the priority. There was a mission to fulfill and sacrifices had to be made in order to complete it. That was my initial mindset...

Until I met her.

"Wait!" The very girl in question yelled after me. I couldn't have the creator aware of my presence, especially considering I was here with the sole purpose of persuading Olivia to defy her. That is why I ran back into the forest.

Instead of using my teleportation abilities to escape the black haired girl, I allowed her to follow me further into the forest. Once we were far enough away from the mansion, I pretended to trip and fall to the ground. Her footsteps approached quickly until she stopped dead in her tracks.

I turned around, acting as if I was confused. She stood close by, towering above me. Her eyes scanned over my face and then to my body, looking just as confused as I probably did. It seemed like she wanted to ask me about a million different questions, but the one she voiced slightly caught me off guard.

"Are you okay?" I just stared at her for a moment, not understanding why she was immediately so concerned for a strange girl she had just met.

"I-I think so." I stuttered, acting as if I was disoriented. I carefully stood up and wiped the dirt off my clothes.

Olivia Hye still just observed from a few feet away. She probably felt awkward and unsure of what to do considering she's never had to deal with a stranger before. For years it's just been her and the other three girls.

Yet, I had a feeling even that was beginning to change.

The Fallen Angel | Olivia Hye x Female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now