Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

At the bottom of the pit sat a mattress with Olivia Hye laying on top, surrounded by white and red feathers. Her body was in such a position that made it seem like she had just fallen from the sky and landed there. If I wasn't so preoccupied with concern for her well-being, I would've thought the scene was quite picturesque. But of course, nothing beautiful lasts forever.

She sat up abruptly and frantically scanned her surroundings. It resembled someone waking up from a bad dream. Although, it seemed as if Olivia's reality was just as traumatic. She finally looked up at me and I could tell her eyes were filled with regret.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing that left her mouth. It was then I knew that the good Olivia Hye was back. The true Olivia Hye.

"It's okay." I said honestly, walking to the edge and leaning over the railing.

She looked away and shook her head. "No, it's not okay. Look at what I put you through." The words left her mouth quickly as she scolded herself. "You were terrified of me, I could've hurt you, I could've-"

"Olivia!" I cut her off. "Look at me." She eventually did as I asked, although I could tell she was still beating herself up inside. "You had a right to be mad at me, I can't fault you for that." I sighed, still ashamed of myself for not being honest with her sooner. Although it wasn't that simple.

"No, you should be the one mad at me." She looked away and stood up, letting her negative thoughts overtake her again. "And you're wrong, I don't deserve to be loved." Her voice began breaking as she turned her hatred inward. "This dark part of me... I'm not worth saving. I-I'm a monster." Just like she did a few hours ago in front of the mirror, she broke down. The tears spilled from her eyes and she fell to her knees on the mattress.

I ran to the other side of the railing, trying desperately to get close to her so I could comfort her. But there was no way down. She would have to come up if she wanted to leave. It was all up to her at this point. I felt helpless as I watched the sobs wrack her body.

"Olivia, you have to realize that that's not true." I yelled, loud enough for her to hear, but she still kept crying. "Why do you think this darkness took over in the first place?" I questioned. She got quieter but still didn't respond. "Because of your friends betrayal... if you didn't care for them in the first place, you wouldn't have been so affected when they abandoned you."

Her sobs slowly turned to sniffles and now I knew she was listening. "Just because you get angry sometimes doesn't mean you're a monster... it means you care." My voice softened as I looked at her empathetically. "You care enough to get angry about the things you miss and to protect yourself from getting hurt any further." Finally she was done crying and looked back up at me.

"But look at what I did to you... That part of me will always be there." Her voice was broken and her eyes were red and puffy. It pained me to see her like that, but the way my heart clenched in my chest just reminded me how much I cared about her.

"Yes, it will be." I admitted with a frown. "But, look around you." My arms raised slightly as I gestured to the sunlight around us. "We're both safe... You never did anything to hurt me." A smile made its way onto my face at the thought. "Clearly you have control over both sides of your heart if you were able to bring me here, back to the light." I reasoned, and a look of realization crossed her face.

However, she continued to try and counter my argument. "I still let the darkness take over and cloud my judgement. This could've ended much worse, if you didn't say what you did."

I sighed, shaking my head. "You still don't get it, do you?" Her eyes squinted in confusion as she waited for me to continue. "You were mad at me all that time because I lied. I was saying things you didn't believe to be true. But once I said that you deserved to be loved... you started to believe it yourself." She opened her mouth to protest again but I continued.

"Whether you like it or not, the darkness is a part of you. And I know you didn't choose it... neither did I. But you have to realize that both the light and the dark are what make you, you." I paused for a moment, letting my words sink in. She looked like she was finally starting to believe what I was saying. "You have to accept it. In order to truly love yourself, you have to love everything about you, including the imperfections."

My words hung in the air for a moment afterwards, weighing heavy in Olivia's mind. She seemed to come to a conclusion soon after, acting without speaking. Her feet carried her to the edge of the pit, directly below where I was standing. She reached her hand up and I immediately leaned over to pull her out.

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The Fallen Angel | Olivia Hye x Female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now