Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"You!" I jumped backwards out of fright when Olivia Hye's figure appeared at the end of the hallway. "You are no better than them!" She yelled as the anger began to radiate from her eyes in the form of red beams of light. "You lied to me!" The red became so intense that it started to cloud my vision.

"No, Olivia!" I yelled desperately, finally realizing just how much I had hurt her. "I meant it when I said I only wanted to help you." My hands instinctively raised in front of my face in an attempt to cover the blinding light. "You have to believe me!" I shouted honestly.

"Why should I trust you when everything you've said to me has been a lie?!" Her voice grew distorted as she became angrier. This was not the Olivia Hye I started to grow fond of over the past few weeks. No, this was the version of herself that she fought so hard to keep buried deep down. But now she had finally snapped and let it take over.

At this point I couldn't help but panic. Was she already too far gone? Had I really failed this suddenly? I thought we were just starting to build a relationship. But maybe all this time she was able to see through my white lies. Although, I couldn't afford to think like that. The fate of the Loonaverse depended on her. Even more than that, I knew that I couldn't lose her to the darkness.

She meant too much to me now.

"You're right." I said sadly and, for a moment, her beaming red eyes faltered. She was caught off guard, so I kept going. "I haven't been completely honest with you, so you have no reason to trust me." This seemed to ignite her anger once again and the red continued to grow around me. "But, believe me when I say that it wasn't easy... lying to you. I never wanted to." Slowly my vision was being consumed by red and I knew I was losing her. "You have to understand that I can't tell you the full truth. Not now, at least. And I know that seems unfair and confusing." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing myself to finally stable my voice before continuing. She needed to know that I was being truthful.

"I did all of this for a reason. I came here for a reason. And that reason... is you, Olivia Hye." My eyes stayed shut as I heard her approaching slowly. Whether she was angry and ready to strike, or neutral, I didn't know. But that didn't matter to me now. All that mattered was that she knew the truth. "Because you are worth saving. No matter what you might think, you deserve to be loved."

For a moment it was silent. I didn't know what to expect after I finished. In all honesty, I was scared to open my eyes. The sound of her footsteps seemed like a distant memory at this point and the vision of her laser eyes faded from my mind. Eventually, I felt a hand placed on my shoulder, causing me to open my eyes.

Unlike I expected, Olivia was not standing right in front of me. Instead, there was a metal railing a few feet away that seemed to be surrounding some sort of pit. Finally, light came pouring in from the top and all colors returned. I hesitantly walked towards the railing and looked down. The scene before me could easily be described in three simple words:

The Fallen Angel.

The Fallen Angel | Olivia Hye x Female Reader [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now