13| I'm not waiting

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"Books are a uniquely portable magic" -Stephen King



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*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Ah, it's nice to see you've been making friends" Orion gestures to Delphi and Caelum
"I assume you've come here to tell me something"

"I've found my powers" Gemini stated boldly

"Oh joyous, what power do you possess?"

"I'm not really sure, I accidentally made some animals float today" Gemini replied, deciding not to give too many details on the day out

"We will have to look into it more but it does certainly go with your air element" he responded casually

"Yes sir" Gemini said, he wanted to learn more about his powers but he knew better than to ask by now since it would all come in good time as Orion liked to remind them

Deciding Orion would answer no further questions he and the rest of the group turned to leave

"Before you go, may I ask why Libra is carrying a puppy, you should know by now pets are not permitted"

"I-" She started not really knowing what to say

"oh please can we keep it sir! We will take good care of it, we found it alone in the street it would be cruel to put it back!" Leo begged looking as sad as possible and seeing this, the rest of the zodiacs played along and wore their best pouts

With a wave of his hand he said " very well, but you must make sure it behaves or we cannot keep it in school"

"Thank you sir, we will!" Aquarius said for the rest of the group and they hurried out of the door


The group of fourteen populated the air signs' dorm standing in a huddle around the new puppy.

"Well..." Pisces started staring intently at the dog "Does anyone have any name suggestions?"

All the people in the room raised their hands all equally wanting to be heard.

"Wait we should find out what gender it is first" Capricorn mused

"Oh um, I guess I will check" Cancer said as everyone watched her awkwardly pick up the pup and turn so it's belly was facing the ceiling, which it was not overly enthusiastic about

"It's a..." She started and everyone stared intently hoping to will the puppy's gender to align with their name "girl!"

Most of the sighs came from the males and most of the cheers the females

"Ok then, let's put all our name suggestions in a hat and whoever's gets picked is her name" Gemini stated going to his room and returning with a black cap and a notepad

Hero's Blood [a zodiac story]Where stories live. Discover now