Male reader x Dustin

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I can't believe it
Are mom really made us move to a new town, I can't believe it. As many times as I begged her to not move us from our quiet town. Now we are in Hawkins, the loudest, most annoying town I have ever seen.

"Time for dinner!"

I sit down at the table as I look around at are new kitchen, I hate it. Yeah it looks better but it's not my kitchen and it never will be.
" When are we going to go back home?"

"For the last time, we going to be living here"
"But I don't like it here?"
"You will learn too like it over time"
"I don't want to spend time here! I saw 15 different teenagers doing drugs on are way here!!"
"Your not there age so you shouldn't be worried about them"
"We will only be here to the summer, then we will be right back home.

"Then why did we have to move everything if we wasn't going to stay!"

"Just in case my boss needs us to stay a little longer."

"How much longer, I just want to leave already I feel unsafe here."

"I said "If" for now it's just for the summer."

" I miss my friends.."

"You barely had any." My older sister cuts in.

"I did!"

"Who? I never saw you talk to anyone."

"I was friends with everyone, personally I think I was the best person in class."

"You're just saying that because people were trying to be your friend because they knew you were a push over and that they could easily get things out of you."  

"I was not a push over; I just like to help people. I was a nice person."

Yeah you "Were" a nice person now you are all grumpy because of the move, like can you chill out, it's not like we're going to be here forever. once the summer is over, so is living here, we all get to go home with are friends. It's not the end of the world so stop acting like a butt." My older sister says shaking my shoulders and laughing.

"Anyways I'm going to go upstairs to sleep, I'm way to tired. Thanks, mom, for the food." My sister continues walking up the stairs taking my younger sister with her. I stay to help my mom clean the dishes. After I thank my mom for the food and run upstairs and up the ladder to my room so that I can finally be able to sleep.

I wake up in the morning and sit outside my window on the roof to see what my neighbors are doing because I'm curious and always in other peoples business... and to read a book. I see a house two houses down and a group of boys walk out and they start walking down the street towards my way and they stop and make eye contact with me, making me want to turn around and head into my house as fast as possible because have social interactions is a no no for me. I shut and close my window.

Mike POV

" is it just me or is the new kid weird?" Lucas says staring a the new boy that was looking at a book in his hand. We all turn to look at him and as we made eye contact he quickly went back into his house.

" yeah he's kinda weird.." I say back

" do you think he might be a secret spy that works for the government? He is very secretive and speedy" Dustin says having his hand on his chin

"Maybe, I heard my mom say that his mom works with Hopper" I say looking back at Dustin as I start trying to see into his window but the curtains are too thick.

"Eww, I heard that kids who parents work for the government are very sad because they aren't allowed to have a normal childhood" Lucas said

"You mean he's not allowed to have friends or play D&D?!" Dustin says a little too loud making a echo through the neighborhood.

"I mean we don't know all that? Maybe he likes D&D but just isn't allow to play it at home." I said looking back at Dustin with a sympathetic look.

"Well I think we should help him, maybe he doesn't have any friends to play it with?" Dustin says looking determined.

"How about we stop with all this "maybe" and just go ask him?" Lucas says picking up a pebble next to him .

"What are you going to do with that?" Dustin asks

" I'm going to throw it at his window, we are not going to knock on his door, his mom works for the government."

" what if we break the window" I ask in a nervous tone.

" trust me I have seen these in shows... but just in case we are going to have Dustin throw it" Lucas says handing it to Dustin as he responds with a loud "What!"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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