I only win

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I wonder where this is going?.....

Jahseh has his damn tongue down my throat, but shit I ain't complaining. He slowly sets me on the counter. Things are gettin hot asf . Jahseh pulls away and takes off his shirt. I looked done and the abs..... I'm sitting there like 🥵. "You like what you see?" he says, " Don't flatter yourself I've seen better " I shrug. With that I leave that boy shell shocked and walk back up to my room.

10 min later:
Jahseh comes in my room. " what do you want?" I say, " You". He then proceeds to lay his pyramid built self on me. "Get off Jahseh your too big", he smirks. " not like that get yo head out of the gutter". Jahseh pushes all his weight on me. " Omg your going to kill me bitch". He aggressively pins me down on the bed and snakes his hand around my throat again. " listen here Lil girl I don't do well with that bitch word don't fucking say it again". Just to be petty I say " what you gon do about it BITCH". When I tell you my life flashed before my eyes. But guess what bitch saved by the mfing bell. Cause as soon as I said that we hear the front door open. Like haha bitch got yo ass this time. He quickly gets off me and says " this is not over don't let me catch you lackin". And just like that I won bitch.
Hey guys if anyone's reading how you doing today?

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