Chapter Six: "-like vultures awaiting their meal."

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(A/N: Here's an extra long chapter for you guys! I started writing this today thinking... "Oh, I'll try to get this out by the end of the week!" BUT NO! I kept binge writing and now it's coming out today. I've literally been writing for like three and a half hours. Anyway, please let me know what you think! Don't be a silent reader. Also, can you tell how much my writing style and ability has changed?)

"He cheated on you?" Alex shrieks, looking about ready to kill somebody, that 'somebody' being none other than Jake Puckerman. "He cheated on you because you wouldn't have sex with him."

"Alex lo— You know what? Nevermind. I have a feeling nothing I say will stop you from doing whatever it is you want to do anyway." Kara sinks into her seat, cowering into Mon-El, who, while wanting nothing more than to pummel Jake into the ground, knows that as of right now Kara is more important.

Still, he speaks. "That's really low. I mean I was a total player in my teens and young adult years, but even I wouldn't down something as low as pressuring someone into sex."

"Look Mony, I—"

"Don't even try to blame this on Marl— What do you prefer to be called?"

"Kara." She says, acknowledging them, but in her own world.

"Don't even try to blame this on Kara. You pressured her. You tried to get her to do something she wasn't comfortable with. You said you wouldn't cheat, and then you cheated. You lied. You cheated. It's not her fault. It's yours— not hers— yours." Santana attacks.

Alex fumes, "I should tie you up and—"

"Alex, you aren't allowed to kill him."

"Am I allowed to torture him?"

"If I'm not allowed to torture him then you aren't allowed to either."

"He doesn't deserve death or torture. He deserves much worse." Santana bellows.

A circle seemed to be forming around the seats, trapping Kara in hers. Which, due to her time in the Phantom Zone, Kara couldn't stand. Everything felt like it was caving in on her, and the overlapping of loud, screaming voices didn't help one bit.

Santana, well... she didn't know of her claustrophobia or the reason for it; therefore, she was unable to help.

She was also busy berating Jake.

The same could be said of Alex, who under normal circumstances would be right by her sister's side, had curse words flying out of her mouth faster than a person could tell her to stop.

And most of the others were watching the two girls with weird fascination as they circled Jake like vultures awaiting their meal.

Which left three people noticing Kara's internal panic.

Mon-El, who had gotten up as to not crowd his girlfriend even more than she already was, and who was now holding her hand and trying to calm her down as best he could to no avail.

Lena, who knew of her friend's Claustrophobia— And of her being Supergirl.— and was already making her way over to her.

But she was beaten to it by Cat; who noticed the signs far before the others due to her dealing with her son Carter's panic attacks more times than she could count.

She rolled her eyes as she saw Mon-El sitting as far away from his girlfriend while still holding her hand. She shooed him away and called attention to Alex, who at first was going to head over to Kara, before Cat motioned to clear the others from the area.

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