Chapter 9: Return

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***Solaris's Viewpoint***

"Now that she's safe, let's go!" I concurred but he separated me from Brother Heinrey all of a sudden.

"But before that, I'll clean her face up. Let's go Solaris!" He added and dragged me away. He stopped at a stream. He reached out into his pocket and gave me a handkerchief. "Here, wash your face with it. I also brought your change of clothes."

I obeyed and my drowsiness disappeared when the cold water splashed on my face.

"Brother, I'm done. Can I change now?" He gave me a folded cloth so I went behind the three and I changed there.

I had a hard time wearing the dress that brother called me a few times. After I finished changing, I returned to where brother is and he suddenly carried me bridal style.

"B-Brother, w-what are you d-doing..?"

"Weren't you running from that cheap house to this location? So your feet are probably tired from that and also, I just want to do this." He replied and we came back to the knights. I sensed some electricity from Brother Licht and Brother Heinrey that confused me.

Brother Licht snapped his fingers and an extravagant barouche magically appeared right before my eyes. We then came inside and he put me down on one of the seats. Brother Heinrey followed and sat opposite from us.

"Coach Gil, let's go!" Brother Licht said and we set out.

I was listening to their conversation and then I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already noon and I was leaning on Brother Licht's shoulder. I yawned and I saw flower petals and confetti when I looked out from the window. The people cheered that it was deafening.

"Hurray!! The Imperial Princess has returned!!" They shouted while clapping their hands.

"Brother, are we already at Lisboa?" I asked still with a rasping voice that he chuckled.

"Yup, it's been three years since you disappeared."

I waved my hands at everyone outside that they cheered more merrily. It went on for hours then we stopped at the gates of the 'Main Helionthan Palace' like Brother Licht said.

When I stepped down, a couple cried and hugged me tight.

Are they my parents?

"We've missed you so much, dear!!" The woman said. "You don't know how worried we were when you went missing. Thank the heavens you've returned!!"

"My beloved daughter, how delighted I am to finally hug you like this!!" The man agreed.

Another woman in flamboyant clothes arrived with a girl around my age with lime blonde hair and ruby eyes. They both curtsied.

"Endless glory to the star of Heliontha, Your Imperial Highness Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha! I'm Empress Consort Mathilde Heliontha and this is my daughter, Princess Helia Aryss Heliontha." I just nodded.

Empress Consort, does that mean that she is my father's concubine?

"Now that you've returned, I shall ask the maids to clean up your palace." Father said and Brother Licht carried me again to the vestibule of the Main Helionthan Palace aka Al Sol Palace. There my parents asked me how that female rebel treated me and if I was ever traumatized by what happened.

"Can I rest for now? I'm really tired from all that." I cut them off that their expressions darkened.

"I understand dear, so go on. Licht, please accompany her to Sunni Palace. I'm sure the maids have finished freshening up the place." Mother stated and we left them.

We were on our way to my palace when I heard some maids gossiping to each other while looking at me.

'Is she really the Imperial Princess?'

'I know! She's way more beautiful than the rumors about her!'

'Shush, His Imperial Highness and Her Imperial Highness are listening!'

I glared at them that they flinched and ran away.

Better do this or they'll be killed by Brother Licht.

A familiar girl in luxurious clothes came in front of us with several palace maids tailing her. She showed me a bright smile and then she curtsied.

"Endless glory to the stars of the empire, Your Imperial Highnesses the Princess and the Crown Prince! This lower princess just wants to greet you." She greeted us.

"Greetings Royal Princess Helia, but can you please get the hell out of the way? I'm trying to show 'my' little sister her 'rightful' place, the Sunni Palace." Brother sternly said that I saw tears forming in her eyes. "Get out of the way, you filthy ingrate!!"

I went between them. "Brother Licht, don't say that. She's still a princess, regardless of her blood. If you won't treat her better, I'll be the one to give you the cold shoulder. Royal Princess Helia, don't mind our brother. You know that he didn't mean it, right?" They nodded their heads vigorously.

That should do it. But why do I feel pathetic? My words feel like they mean the opposite, like it sounds insulting on Princess Helia's part.

"Now, shall we Brother Licht?" We then walked pass her and her maids. I heard her murmur something before she completely disappeared from view.

'So that's the Heroine?'


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