Chapter 32: Going Back Home (2)

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***Solaris's Viewpoint***

When I heard that mom and dad weren't coming, I felt a painful pang on my chest.

Perhaps this is because I'm not a good daughter. They're punishing me for being an ungrateful child, wanting to become a commoner. I got my hopes up thinking that this life will be different but maybe not.

I should just stop hoping for or expecting things from others, that way I won't get hurt. It's a little cowardly but it's for the best. I'm not that of a good person after all.

I excused myself after eating all the food on my plate and went to my personal garden of sunflowers. There I saw Helia drinking some tea with Alleria. When they saw me, they waved at me so I hurriedly sat next to them.

"Hi guys." I greeted.

"Hey, what's wrong? You don't look too well." Alleria worriedly asked.

"No, I'm fine. It's just that I was tired from fighting that S-Class Adventurer who was actually the hidden Brûlurian empire's Crown Prince." I sighed.

"Don't lie Solaris, it's so obvious on your face that something is bothering you. Tell us about it, will ya?" Helia insisted so I sighed in defeat.

"It's just that I think mom and dad are angry at me for saying that I wanted to be a commoner. Am I really that bad?" They looked at each other and Helia snorted. "What?"

"You're not a bad person, actually you're closer to an angel. Don't you know that those commoners you helped through the years spread how kind you were to them? You were even dubbed as the Saintess!" I balked at what Alleria said.


"T-Thanks for comforting me even if it's just a lie." I showed a faint smile. "But I'm confused of another thing." They moved their face closer to mine in anticipation.

"What is it?" They asked in accord.

Should I really tell them? It's kinda embarrassing...

"I've been acting weird lately that it surprises me, especially when I'm with Deim. I can't really explain it but... I'm glad I got it off my chest." I breathed in relief. They looked at each other and cried in gratitude.

"Kyaahh!!" They squealed.

Why are they like this all of a sudden?

"I win Alleria!!"--Helia

"No fair!! It's still tentative by the way, I can still win!"--Alleria

"What are you two babbling about?"

"Nothing!" They denied in unison. "But we need to ask you questions to verify if we're right, is it alright with you?" Helia changed the topic.

"Okay." I did the 'shruggie' pose.

"Does your heart beat so fast when you're with him?" "I guess?"

"Do you feel nervous around him?" "A little."

"Do you feel at ease when you're with him?" "I think so?"

"When he teases you, does your face feel like it's burning hot?" "Yes."

"Oh my gad!!" Alleria gasped. "It's confirmed!!"

"What is it?" I asked in curiosity.

"I'm certain about this so don't you dare deny it!" Helia said sternly while pointing at me so I nodded obediently. "You like him." She added that my soul left and went back to my body.

"I l-l-l-like him..? I-Impossible..!" I stammered.

I like that pervert, no way! There's no way! He's just playing mind games with me, that's it. And now I found out from these two that I like him?! No, no, this is not true. It can't possibly be the truth, maybe they're messing with me under Deim's order.

"We heard that you're going in a date with him tomorrow right? Confirm it then. See ya!" Alleria said and dragged the other with her. They left me in a daze but I still headed straight to my bedroom in Sunni Palace with a clear head.

I woke up due to someone's knocking on my doorstep and when I opened it, a platinum blond-haired guy appeared that I closed the door in a hurry. I caught my breath and opened the door once again but I still saw him so I closed the ingress the second time.

He's not actually on the other side, right? I'm just hallucinating...

"You're not hallucinating." Deim denied my thought.

No, no, maybe I'm imagining it.

"You're not imagining it either."

Dammit, it really is a dream. How could he even know what I'm thinking?

"This is not a dream." My world collapsed. "Didn't you promise to go on a date with me? Don't tell me you've already forgotten about it."

Calm yourself Solaris, he'll eventually go away. Just walk away from the door and go back to sleep. Walk away and never look back and most importantly, this is just a dream. You will soon wake up from it.

I was about to walk away from the door when he talked again.

"Are you ignoring me thinking this is just a dream?" He sternly asked that I flinched. "If you don't open the door in the count of ten, I'll really break it open. One... two... three... four..."

Gad, help me! This is just a dream right? What do I do?

'You like him.'

Dammit, how could I think about that in this crucial moment?!

"... five... six... seven... eight..."

What now? Do I really have to do what he said when I look like a mess? I just woke up for Pete's sake!

"... nine... ten!" I opened the door in a hurry but I just heard a chuckle from him. He wore a gentle expression on his face and patted my head that my cheeks heated up. "Finally, do you know that I lose my patience easily?"

'... does your face feel like it's burning up?'

I shook my head and shifted my gaze. "Good morning, why are you here? Going here unannounced is rude, you know!"

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