2: Let it Begin!

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This year, the archery contest was held in the Qinghe Nie Clan's territory. Last time Wei Wuxian had been to a contest like this, had been the year before The Qishan Wen Clan had attacked. That brought back bad memories. But the competition wasn't all bad. It was where Wei Wuxian had met Wen Ning, the sweetest person you'd ever meet. Oh, and he'd pulled Lan Zhan's headband off accidentally, but let's not go there.

They were currently on the way to the contest, and Wei Wuxian was bored. They were going by horse, because it was more "proper". He wished they flew there instead. But no. Old master Lan had been adamant about doing it this way. Besides, quite a few of their disciples were still mastering sword flight, including Lan Jingyi. So they had no choice. Wei Wuxian missed Lil'Apple, his grumpy donkey. At least I'm riding with Lan Zhan, he thought, tightening his grip around his husband's waist. So it's not all bad. The said person let go of the reins with one hand to hold the hands around his waist. It was comforting. Wei Wuxian never wanted to leave this man, this man who loved him so much. It was a feeling of peace and comfort that Wei Wuxian never wanted to lose. This feeling of being wanted was so foreign to him, but he loved it, and loved Lan Wangji more for giving that to him.

"Uncle?" Jin Ling asked.

Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wanyin, Sandu Shengshou, the Sect Leader of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan, cast his nephew a glance. Behind them were the disciples from both the Jiang and Jin Clans, following them to the contest grounds.

"What is it?" Jiang Cheng asked, looking entirely uninterested. Jin Ling cleared his throat, nervous.

"Uh, may I ask why Sect Leader Lan was at Lotus Pier the other day?" He ventured.

"Official business," his uncle said without batting an eye. To anyone who didn't know him well, they wouldn't catch the slight softening of his features. Jin Ling, however, did see it. He was pretty confused: he'd never seen his uncle soften for anyone. He shook his head, entirely too scared to pursue those thoughts. Jiang Cheng cast him a sparing glance.

"Is there anything else?"

"Oh! I was wondering if you were going to talk with Senior Wei-."


"O - oh," Jin Ling stammered. Wei Wuxian was a cursed subject with Jiang Cheng, but Jin Ling secretly hoped his uncles would make up one day. Jiang Cheng didn't seem eager to talk anymore, so Jin Ling shut his mouth, unwilling to make his uncle more mad and threaten to "break his legs". Sometimes he wondered how Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were so different, being brothers and all. Well, adopted brothers, but still. He cast another sneaking glance at his uncle. Jiang Cheng wasn't bad looking, not at all: but there was just this ferocious, angry aura around him that made him generally unapproachable. The opposite of Wei Wuxian. Jin Ling sighed. Why did his uncles all have to be so complicated?

At the back of the Jiang and Jin procession, a lone Jin disciple watched the Sect Leaders. Unlike his fellow disciples, he wasn't particularly interested in the contest, or which sect would win. Instead, he looked straight ahead, eyes unfocused, as though he was imagining something horrifying.

Nie Huaisang was not looking forward to this. Why oh why did he have to hold the contest this year?! It's not like it was a problem or anything: he just hates socializing. It's not like he can talk with Wei Xiong either, considering everything that had happened. Nie Huaisang didn't regret it: it allowed Wei Wuxian to live the life he deserved, and achieve vengeance for the death of Nie Huaisang's brother, Nie Mingjue. To be honest, he was not looking forward to seeing Sect Leader Lan either: Lan Xichen had been pretty miserable lately because of the whole Jin Guangyao thing, but Nie Huaisang refused to believe that it was a mistake. Jin Guangyao deserved death: there was no changing that. Su She was an added bonus, considering all he'd done to Wei Wuxian. Nie Huaisang sighed, snapping his delicate fan shut. He was currently in the gardens, watching the little birds fly around, wishing he could be one of them. But he really should be inside, waiting for their first guests to arrive. As soon as he had that thought, one of his disciples appeared.

"Sect Leader, the Gusu Lan Clan has arrived."

Nie Huaisang let his face slip into one of his many masks, and gestured for the disciple to show him the way.

Sometimes I just want to go back to being the "headshaker", he thought ruefully.

Wei Wuxian, being Wei Wuxian, had been complaining loudly the last few kilometers to the Nie Clan site. Everyone except Lan Wangji was totally fed up with him. Well, that was fine: it would be easier to slip off after the greetings and get drunk then. As if Lan Wangji could hear his thoughts, he twisted slightly in the saddle, raising an eyebrow at him. Wei Wuxian just stuck out his tongue, causing his husband to sigh. There was no stopping Wei Wuxian. Triumphant, Wei Wuxian relaxed into Lan Wangji's back, able to feel his whipping scars even through the layers of clothing. A pang of sadness and self loathing went through his heart. He'd never been there for Lan Wangji, not when he really needed him. On the other hand, the silent jade had always been there for him, even when the whole world was against him. He really didn't deserve Lan Wangji.

"Wei Ying."

"Hm?" Wei Wuxian perked up when Lan Zhan spoke.

"We're here," he said, pointing out the four flags of the four major clans in the distance. A group of Nie Clan disciples were waiting there, the Nie compound sprawling out behind them and framed by a small mountain range. Wei Wuxian realised he'd never actually been to the Qinghe Nie Clan. He'd never had any reason to, growing up in Yunmeng to studying in Gusu, to watching his sister get married in Lanling. Oh, and getting tortured in Qishan, don't forget that. Anyway, Wei Wuxian noticed that the Nie Clan had a lot of unique foliage around here: plants that can be used in medical prescriptions, flowers of different species and a heavy smelling air. Wei Wuxian almost missed the misty Gusu grounds. It's not that Qinghe was bad, it's more like... heavier. Hotter. Reminded him a bit too much of the Wen Clan. Considering that the Wen Clan and Nie Clan were neighbours, it does make sense though.

"Ah, I'm so glad we're here, Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed.

"Mm," Lan Wangji agreed. Ahead of them, Lan Xichen, courtesy name Lan Huan, held up a hand as they neared the waiting disciples. Wei Wuxian didn't bother to listen to the pleasantries: he just wanted some food that was not Gusu cuisine, and a good jar of wine. Lan Wangji noticed his husband's animated attitude, and smiled.

The Jiang and Jin Clans arrived not long after. The Nie Clan disciples lead them to the base of the mountain range, where a pavilion for the Sect Leaders and other guests were set up, as well as archery targets and a start/finish line. Lan Wangji had been stationed inside the hunting zone, along with a few other cultivators, just to make sure everything went smoothly. Wei Wuxian was already missing Lan Wangji, and the annoyed looks Jiang Cheng was giving him because of his moping weren't helping. At the start line, the archers looked up at Nie Huaisang, who had stood to address the rules.

"I know many of you have done this before, but we have to go through the rules for the archery contest.

First rule is that if you miss a target, you are out. If you hit or attack another cultivator, you are out. If you sabotage a cultivator in any way, you are out.

Second rule: don't stray out of the allocated area. You will not get points for the demons you kill outside of the allocated area.

Finally, attacking anyone participating removes your clan from the tournament for 3 years.

I hope that is adequate for you."

Nie Huaisang watched them for a second, letting Wei Wuxian marvel at how much the scared, timid boy he used to know has changed.

"You may begin." 

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