A/n (will be deleting as soon as i finish)

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I'm not dead (even though i want to be).

This will be on hiatus for now so that i can develop and plan what will happen in this story. I will be changing the current chapters here but not right now. As soon as i finish planning and plotting, i will update.

There will be 10 chapters per year (not our year, the years 1100 through 2000 in the story), so roughly 90 chapters overall.

I have no idea when I'm going to finish. Maybe I'll lose motivation and stop midway through the story and pick it up again in a few years again, I don't know. Let's just hope i even have to motivation for a single chapter.

Lord, help me. Give me strength and motivation to finish this book. The day i shift is the day my will to live comes back.

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