SatirTheories #1- Crab Man's Spieces

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Today, we'll be reviewing the crab man, TbhHonest. Now, you might be asking "what's wrong with Tbh?" Absolutely nothing, other than the fact that WE DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT KIND OF CRAB HE IS. Now, at first I'd just assumed He was a spider crab for the memes, but after truly thinking about it, no, that is in fact false news.

See, the answer has been laying right under our noses the entire time. After all, what does TBH really stand for? To Be Honest? I think otherwise. That's just a ploy to throw you off. Why would someone name themself "To Be Honest Honest"? It just doesn't make sense. But I'll tell you what DOES make sense- that acronym is actually his species. See, there is another member of the SockSquad that has an acronym in their name- That's right, TBVG. His name starts with "TB", JUST LIKE TBH. And here's why- TBVG says that his name is an acronym of his first and last initials + Video Games, but even if that's true, there's another meaning; TBVG REALLY stands for The Best Video Gamer. HMMMMM.

TB stands for "The Best", huh? That's two of the letters in TBH. What does the last one stand for? Well, take a moment to think about it. Done yet? Did you by chance think of hermit crab? WELL TO BAD, THAT'S NOT THE ANSWER. If you recall the video on April fools last year there was a clip at 1:40 of a crab with a Cheeto and Socks, Blaza, and TBH himself confirming that the crab was TBH. But here's the thing; THEY WEREN'T TALKING ABOUT THE CRAB WITH THE CHEETO. Do you see that rock-looking thing in the zoomed out bit of the clip? Do you know what that is? Well I'll tell you- IT'S A HORSESHOE CRAB. GET IT? HORSESHOE CRAB STARTS WITH AN "H". "TBH" STANDS FOR THE BEST HORSESHOE CRAB.

But we can get even more specific into the TYPE of horseshoe crab, as there are only four species. ONLY ONE OF THOSE SPECIES IS FOUND IN AMERICA. The Limulus polyphemus, or as it's common name, the Atlantic horseshoe crab, can be found all along the coast from Maine to Mexico. THAT INCLUDES FLORIDA, WHICH IS WHERE SOCKS WAS SAID TO BE LIVING BEFORE MOVING IN WITH THE OTHERS. What if all the members of the FoolishCrew- including TBH- moved to Florida? It's so obvious! And to those who are saying "well horseshoe crabs aren't actually crabs", NEITHER IS TBH, REALLY. TbhHonest is an Atlantic Horseshoe Crab, and there is no arguing about it. Case closed.

See you in the next theory,
(The 'signature' will change between Wil and Milli depending on the mood and how crazy the theory is. Happier, more silly theories will be signed by Wil and darker [not weird or gory but not quite as bright-], more crazy theories will be signed by Milli. This is just for fun and doesn't change the writing or idea of SatirTheories, but I found it silly to have my two OCs 'writing' this bullcrap down)

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