Valentine's Day

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It was just a normal day for Bingo. The warehouse was peaceful. Fleegle was filing and signing papers, Snorky was on his phone, Drooper was laying comfortably in a box and Bingo, himself, was just drawing. Today was Valentine's day. It was a day of love and affection. At least it was suppose to be a day of love and affection. Bingo glances over at Fleegle, who was starting to put away the papers.
"Hey Boss?"
"Yes Bingo?
"Mind telling me what day it is?"
Fleegle was silent for a moment.
"It's....the 14th of February."
"Oh alright. Thank you."
Silence instantly filled the room. Just an awkward silence. So awkward even Drooper woke up from his nap. Fleegle had forgotten that it was Valentine's day again. Not much of a surprise since the boss constantly drowns himself with paperwork yet it still hurts Bingo.
Bingo starts walking towards the room they share and slams the door behind. Fleegle, Drooper, and Snorky flinch at the sound. Drooper turns his head towards Fleegle.
"Shouldn't you go and check on him?"
"I'm afraid he is a little too mad at me. I should probably wait til he cools off."
Snorky looks up from his phone and turns his attention to Fleegle.
"(In honks) You always forget. I can't blame him for being upset."
"I know I know. I just have things to do and I can't involve myself with silly little things like Valentine's day. Say why are the two of you judging me? It's not like you guys do anything for this day."
"(In Honks) Actually me and Drooper got a date tonight."
"I'm taking Snorky to a really nice restaurant too."
"(In honks) Sorry Fleegle, but the only one who forgot is just you."
"Yeah everyone in Jellystone is doing something on Valentine's day."
"Not everyone, Drooper."
"(In Honks) Well yeah not everyone, but every couple in Jellystone is."
Fleegle sighed and grumbles under his breath.
Fleegle gets up from his desk.
"You guys are right."
Fleegle starts walking over to the exit.
"I gotta start planning."
Hours had passed, Bingo was still in the room he shared with Fleegle. Bingo was just staring at a photo of him and Fleegle on their wedding day. Bingo gently fiddled with his wedding ring as he thinks about the memories they spent together these past years. Bingo was lost in a trance til he heard a knock the door. Bingo got up from his bed and started walking to the door. The knocking continued as Bingo walk towards the door.
"I'm going. I'm going."
Bingo opens the door to reveal Fleegle, flushed in the face, wearing a black tuxedo.
Bingo looks at Fleegle with surprise and found himself smiling at the small beagle in front of him. Fleegle nervously held out a bouquet of roses.
"Happy Valentine's Day, H-hon..."
Fleegle was trying to keep himself from blushing or showing any signs of being nervous or excitement, but the wagging of his tail had sadly betrayed him. Bingo's eyes lit up once Fleegle stuttered on the pet name "Hon". Bingo's smile became a bit brighter and his face started turning red. Bingo gently caressed Fleegle's face. It's been a while since Fleegle had ever called Bingo "Hon".
"So what's with the tux, Boss?"
"I've been thinking....I...uh..."
Fleegle took a deep breath and breathe out.
"Bingo Beagle-Orangutan, would you like to go out with me?"
"My my. Is the darling Fleegle the Beagle is asking me out on a date?"
Fleegle nodded as he continued to hold out the bouquet of roses. The poor beagle was so flustered. Bingo gently took the bouquet of roses in his hands and let out a smile that can lit up any room. Sure Fleegle saw Bingo smile time to time, but he always felt like his heart melts at the sight of his husband's smile.
"Of course. I would love to go on a date with you, Fleegy. I'll try to get ready."
Bingo leaned down and gave Fleegle a little peck on the cheek, which send Fleegle to blush like crazy. Bingo went back inside the room with the bouquet of roses and closed the door behind him, leaving Fleegle blushing like a mad man. During the time Bingo was getting ready, Fleegle was trying to calm himself down. It's been a long time since they ever went on a date, but this date is no ordinary date. This date is extraordinary and Fleegle had it all planned out. The date is so extraordinary that you would think it would lead up to a proposal, but Fleegle and Bingo were already married. Fleegle just wanted the best for Bingo. It was to make up all the times he forgot Valentine's day. After a few minutes, the door opens to reveal Bingo wearing a fullout white tuxedo. Bingo's eyes were no longer hidden by his glasses and Bingo's natural curly hair was without it's hat. Bingo's dark chocolate eyes met Fleegle's sapphire colored eyes. Bingo looked at Fleegle with hearts in his eyes and the orangutan couldn't help but smile. Fleegle felt his heart pounding out of his chest like if it were a drum. Fleegle held his arm out for Bingo to hold which Bingo had gladly accepted. The two then left the warehouse and went on their merry way.  During their little nightly stroll, Bingo was admiring the stars in the sky.
"Now that I've think about it, I never admired how beautiful Jellystone was in the night."
" is really pretty."
"The stars are shining bright tonight, but they can't shine brighter than you."
"What? You know it's true."
Fleegle felt his face turning all shades of red as Bingo softly brushed the little tufts of hair on Fleegle's head.
"This is the first date in years."
"I know and I am sorry, Bingo. I was just drowned in paper work and plans these past years. It only took Drooper and Snorky to make me realize that I should appreciate you more."
"No really Bingo I mean it. You have done so much for me. You and the gang have supported me throughout these awful painful years and I wanted to thank you properly."
"Fleegle. It's fine. Really."
"No you deserve this, Bingo. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Fleegle. More than you can ever know."
Bingo leaned down to Fleegle's height and the two nose nuzzled. Fleegle, at this point, started to relax.
"Thank you so much, Hon."
"Of course, My Darling."
The two then continued on making their way to their destination. After a nice stroll together, They arrived to a very beautiful restaurant. The restaurant was one of the best in all of Jellystone. Bingo stood in surprise.
"F-Fleeg are you sure we are at the right place?"
"We are."
"But they are usually did you even manage?..."
"I have a few connections."
"Please don't tell me you threatened them...."
"I did not what kind of- oh right. But I can assure you that I didn't threatened them. They just owe me a favor."
"And...what was that favor for?"
Bingo crossed his arms and stared at Fleegle with disappointment.
"Oh calm down. I just helped them fund their business. Besides I knew the owner personally."
Bingo sighed in relief and uncrossed his arms. Bingo opens the restaurant's door and held it open for Fleegle to pass through which made Fleegle smile.
"Thank you, Dear."
"It's no problem at all, Boss."
Couple of minutes had passed and the two were sat at their reserved table. It was now Bingo's time to get nervous.
"Is everything alright, Dear?"
"U-uh yeah. Everything is fine, Boss."
"Are you sure?"
"...Well maybe I am a little nervous."
"For what, My Love?"
Fleegle held Bingo's hand and gently kissed it, which made Bingo blush red.
"Well it's been years since our last date. I think I can say that imma bit nervous. What If I mess up or sounds stupid now that I am saying it out loud..."
"It doesn't sound stupid at all. I understand your concern and I'll admit I am nervous as well. Even if you do manage to mess up, which isn't very possible, it wouldn't matter. You are still the man that I married and I will love you no matter what."
Bingo couldn't help but smile at Fleegle's words.
"Thank you, Fleegle. That is all I needed to hear."
Fleegle gently held Bingo's hand and smile sweetly at him. Two hours had passed and the two married couple were out on a nightly stroll back to their house. Bingo had red wine spilled on his white tuxedo jacket, to which the waiter apologized, during the date. Bingo was carrying his jacket during the stroll.
"Well that didn't go as planned."
"Yeah but it was nice. Thank you, Fleegle."
"It was nice. Is it possible to stop by somewhere?"
"Oh? What for?"
"Oh just a little something I set up. Come on."
Fleegle started leading Bingo over to the  Jellystone Gazebo. The Gazebo was a white Brighton Round Elegant one with roses like the one that Fleegle gave to Bingo. The Gazebo had candles inside to give it a dim romantic atmosphere. Bingo was so entranced by the view.
"Darling....this is beautiful!"
"Yeah as beautiful as you."
Fleegle walks over to a bush and takes out a guitar. It was Fleegle's old acoustic guitar, the one he had in college. Fleegle walks up in the middle of the Gazebo. Bingo gazes over Fleegle.
"Bingo. My love. The absolute light of my life. You are the absolute best thing that has ever happen to me. I am so happy to call you my husband and I am so happy that we are married. As cheesy as this all is and sounds, I have a song for you. It may not be one that I wrote, but it is to express my love to you."
Fleegle strummed a few strings and started to play. A little information before the whole lyrics thing, Fleegle had a beautiful voice. Most of the band members have a good voice, but Fleegle was consider to be more of a lead singer. Also a little note from the author here, I suggest listening to the song sung by Caleb Hyles while reading this to get more of an experience. Now onwards to the story.
🎵I′d rather be tall
I'd rather be smart
I′d rather be sure you know I care
Wherever you go
Whatever you start
I'd rather be sure you know I'm there
I′d rather I always be a part of whatever you do
I′d rather be me with you
Wherever we go
I already trust
I'd know what to do if it were us
I′d know what to say
I'd know how to be
I′d know your entire syllabus
I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do
If I could be I′d rather be me with you
If I could be me I'd know how to see
See why you choose a pain like me
The damage inside
A mountain to climb
I'd rather you stay safe far behind
If I could be me then maybe I would do more than just drag you down
I can not be me with me
Too selfish to leave
But hope you will stay Indure life together come what may
I promise to cling
To comfort and sing
No matter what tempatures may bring
I am a mistake and people like me just don′t get lucky twice
If I could be me...i′d learn how to love...
Fleegle jumped and yelped at the sound of fireworks setting off a little too early. The sound fireworks sadly had messed up the ending of Fleegle's song. Fleegle put the guitar down and went behind the Gazebo, where Drooper and Snorky were tasked to set off the fireworks after Fleegle's song.
"Dang nabbit you two. It was suppose to be after."
"Sorry Fleeg, we didn't know what was the right timing to set them off."
"(In honks) By the time you were getting to the end of your song, it was too late to stop the fire."
"Why I ought to-"
Fleegle felt a hand on his shoulder. Fleegle turned around to see Bingo.
"Bingo!..I'm sorry that things didn't really go as plan. I promise to make it u-"
"No need, Fleeg."
"This is honestly the best day I ever had."
"Even better than our wedding day?"
" No day is better than the day I married you, Fleeg."
Bingo leaned down to Fleegle's height. The two gently nose nuzzled. The nose nuzzling then led to a kiss. Bingo gently pulled away and smiled a bright smile.
"Come on, Boss. Let's go home."
"Of course, Hon."
The Splits then started walking back to the warehouse. During the walk, Bingo gently held Fleegle's hand causing Fleegle to let out a small smile. Time has passed, Bingo was slipping into his sleepwear. Fleegle sat on their bed, waiting for his husband of 53 years to join him. As Bingo buttoned up his shirt, Fleegle gazed at Bingo with loving eyes.
"Did you really enjoy our time together?"
"Of course. I always enjoy our time together."
"Even if it didn't go exactly as planned?..."
Bingo walked over to Fleegle and gave the beagle a light kiss on his forehead.
"It was perfect, Fleeg."
Fleegle felt himself smiling at Bingo's comment. Bingo leaned over to his husband for the two to share a kiss to which Fleegle was happy to oblige. The couple soon found themselves melting into eachother's warm embrace as they shared a loving kiss.
"I love you so much, Fleegle."
"I love you too, Bingo."

🧡💛The End💛🧡

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