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December, 1898
(It had been about 10 days since the Spanish-American war ended. Constant rain had created a damp and cold atmosphere all around Washington DC. Tonight, however, the skies had been clear enough to see the stars.

1st Lieutenant Kim-lee Hyun is heading his way to the Marine Barracks. The two guards near the entrance to the barracks salute him as he salutes back and enters Major Norris's room.)

Kim-lee: (politely knocks on Norris's door)

Norris:  (muffled) Come in.

(Kim-lee opens the door and enters.)

Norris: Kimmy boy! Come on in.

Kim-lee: "Kimmy boy"? Honestly Norris, that's the worst you’ve come up with so far.

Norris: What can I say, Kim? I'm not that creative of a person.

Kim-lee: How's that arm treating you? (Kim-lee point to Norris's left arm, wrapped in a sling.)

Norris: Well, the doc said I won't be able to fire with this arm anytime soon.  Can't maneuver it much either.

Kim-lee: (nods slightly in agreement) I see.

Norris: But tell me, Kim. How the devil did you save me from that ditch full of Spaniards?

Kim-lee: Well...I thought I would get a promotion by doing that.

Norris: You're in luck, Kim. Not only are you getting a promotion, but we're going to the White House to meet the President himself. He's gonna send us to Joseon.

Kim-lee: (Kim-lee zones out for a moment. Memories of a long-abandoned past come crawling back in. His life as a slave. His parents. Their death. His escape)

Norris: Kim? Hey!

Kim-lee: (Snaps back to reality) Huh?

Norris: You all right?

Kim-lee: Yeah (he runs his hand over his clean shaved face). It's just that...why are we going to Joseon?

Norris: I assume it's just for diplomatic reasons. Are you not looking forward to visiting your homeland?

Kim-lee: (laughs slightly) Joseon isn't my homeland, Norris. I'm an American. Joseon has never been my homeland.

Norris: Oh. Well...I'm certainly looking forward to the trip. Get to explore their culture and whatnot. I've never been overseas before. This is my first time.

Kim-lee: So uh, when is this meeting with the President happening?

Norris: Today. As a matter of fact, our carriage is supposed to be here any moment.

(At that very moment, a trooper appeared outside their room)

Trooper: Sir, your carriage has arrived.

Norris: Speak of the devil. (Norris gets up from his desk, readying himself to walk out) Come on, Kim. Let us go and make Uncle Sam proud.

The White House
(Kim-lee and Norris are inside the Oval Office, standing in front of the presence of the President)

The President: Good evening, gentlemen. I'm sorry for summoning you at this time in my office.

Norris: No problem at all, Mr. President. We're officers meant to serve wherever and whenever we're asked to do so.

(The President shifts his gaze to Kim-lee)

The President: Lieutenant Kim-lee.

Kim-lee: Yes, Mr. President.

The President: I've heard that you saved Major Norris here from a tough pickle during the siege of Santiago de Cuba.

Kim-lee: I was just doing my duty, sir. Major Norris is my commanding officer. I consider it my job to help him out when he's in a mess.

The President: I really appreciate that loyalty. Which is why I'm gonna promote you. You're a captain from this day forth.

Kim-lee: I'm honoured, sir.

The President: Right. Well gents, let's get down to why I really called you two here tonight. As you may have already known, I have arranged for you two to be sent to Hanseong as part of our legation in Joseon. Joseon is a country that needs our help, and I trust it will be a great ally in the years to come if we can pull this off. The last time we tried was back in '71 and it was a bloodbath. However, they've opened up to western civilisations in recent years and are willing to accept any kind of help they can get. (He looks at Kim-lee) It will also give Captain Kim-lee the chance to trace his past roots.

(Awkward silence)

The President: That is all, gentlemen. You will leave tomorrow morning. And remember, we're going to help, not intimidate. These Joseon folks are very humble, so treat them with hospitality.

Norris and Kim-lee: (in unison) Yes, Mr. President.

End of Chapter 1

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