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(After an uneventful 2-3 days at sea, the steamer containing Kim-lee and Norris finally arrived at Donghae Harbour. They were received by a short and scrawny looking man in a traditional "government official" attire.)

The escort: Greetings and welcome to the kingdom of Joseon (bows formally)

Norris: Kim, am I hearing things or did this man just speak English?

The escort: (lets out a smile) I work at the legation, sir. So I have to practise my English quite regularly.

Norris: You're fluent, I'll give you that much. What is your name?

The escort: My name is Park Jong-hae, sir.

Norris: (extends his right arm for a handshake) I'm Major Norris Edwards. Pleasure to meet you, Park. You don't mind me just calling you Park, I hope.

Park: Not at all, Major Norris. It's a pleasure to meet you too.

(Park then shifts his gaze to Kim-lee. He scans his features attentively and stares at him like he's seen one of the most bizarre things in the world.)

Park: Um, forgive me, Major Norris. But I don't quite recognise this man next to you.

Norris: (putting his arm around Kim-lee's shoulder, much to Kim-lee's awkwardness) This is Captain Kim-lee Hyun. He's with me. A good friend of mine.

Park: He looks like one of us. (Park starts speaking in Korean) Are you from Joseon, Captain?

Kim-lee: (in Korean) I am an American, Mr. Park.

Park: (in Korean) But you speak the Joseon tongue so perfectly.

Kim-lee: (in Korean) So? I speak German and Japanese too. Doesn't mean I'm from either of those countries.

(Norris tries to cut in on the conversation.)

Norris: Okay boys, what are you two on about? You two suddenly started talking in Korean. Am I being left out of something important?

(Neither Kim-lee nor Park paid their attention to Norris.)

Park: (in Korean) Captain, I'm convinced that you're from around here.

Kim-lee: (in Korean) What is it to you anyway?

Park: (in Korean) I'm just trying to understand why a man from Joseon would be donning an American uniform.

(Norris steps in between Kim-lee and Park.)

Norris: Boys, I think that's enough. I can't understand what you two are saying but I've this gut feeling it's not good. Cut it out. We've come a long way and we need some rest.

Park: (bows humbly at Norris) My apologies, Major Norris. I got too ahead of myself.

Kim-lee: (maintains a glare at Park) Sorry about that, Norris.

Norris: Good. Park, would you care to take us to our destination now?

Park: Certainly, Major Norris. You've a reservation at the Marillier hotel. It's one of the finest here.

Norris: But what about the legation?

Park: No one stays there, really. Most of the American government officials have their own quarters here. The troops live in the barracks. Everything's in the same area, including the legation.

Kim-lee: Come on, Norris. Don't make such a big deal out of it. Where else will you get the chance to live in a fine hotel without paying for it?

Norris: Well...I guess you're right. Very well. Take us there.

Park: There's a carriage waiting for you to take you there.

Norris: Will you be joining us?

Park: If I'm allowed to, I'd be happy to join you two. It's an hour's journey from here to the hotel.

Norris: Then hop in with us. We'd be glad to have you.

Kim-lee: (mutters) Great.

Norris: What was that, Kim?

Kim-lee: Uh, nothing, Major.

Norris: Good. Now then, march on, Park.

Park: Shall I take your luggages?

Norris: Ah, no thank you. We'll be fine.

(The three men started their journey to the legation at Hanseong. Kim-lee and Norris looked outside from inside the carriage as they rushed past bustling crowds of people. They saw children fighting with each other. A street vendor was selling a variety of pickled vegetables on a cart. They saw a food stall, where customer were sitting on a bench in front, hogging at bowls of noodles and side dishes to their heart's content. Kim-lee felt an uneasiness in his stomach as he watched on as their carriage passed. Hunger, possibly. He suppressed it, but made a mental note to try one of those stalls while they were in Hanseong.

Neither Kim-lee nor Norris were exactly impressed when they made it to the hotel they would be staying in. Structure-wise, the hotel reminded them of an average tavern back in America. The hotel was the only tall building in a series of small ones, though it looked more fancier than the rest. A sign made of steel hung over the entrance gate which read "HOTEL MARILLIER".

Park got out first as he kept the door open for Norris and Kim-lee. Both got out of the carriage, their traveling bags in hand.)

Norris: So uh...Park. This the place?

Park: Yes, Major. This is the hotel.

Norris: (studying the building) It doesn't exactly have a hotel feel to it. Does it?

Park: I know it's not what you expected, Major. But-

Kim-lee: It's quite alright. Stop being picky, Norris. We're not tourists here. If this is what we'll get, this is what we'll have to get used to. I'm going in (starts walking towards the gate).

Norris: "Stop being picky?" Jeez, no respect for your superior at all.

(Norris then turns towards Park.)

Norris: Well, Park. Thank you for accompanying us here.

Park: Not a problem, Major. I'll be heading back to the legation in this carriage. So I'll see you tomorrow morning if I've no errands to run.

Norris: Seeya tomorrow, Park.

(Park bows one last time before getting into the carriage and heading off. Norris turns back to the building again.)

Norris: Right. Now let's see what this is about.

End of Chapter 2

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