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(Continuing from the events of the previous chapter)

(Norris enters the hotel, where he finds Kim-lee standing in front of the reception desk talking to a woman in a European dress. The hotel is nothing like he had expected judging by the look outside. The reception table was straight ahead at the end of a small hallway. To the left, there was a massive dining room, capable of dining at least a 100 people. To the right was a staircase, leading to somewhere. He walks towards them. The receptionist lady notices him.)

Lady in European dress: Welcome, Mr. Norris. You're finally here. I was wondering where you were when Mr. Hyun walked in all by himself.

Norris: Morning, ma'am. Yes, I believe we were supposed to be staying here in this hotel. Are you the owner?

Lady in European dress: I am, Mr. Norris. Cho Eun-soo at your service.

Norris: You speak really good English ma'am. I wonder how much of Joseon speaks English here.

Eun-soo: (letting out a low laugh) Why, thank you, Mr. Norris. I have to learn English for business purposes, of course. But I still have far to go.

Kim-lee: I've already gotten us two rooms. Here (he throws a room key at Norris, but he misses the catch completely), you're on 205. I'm on 305.

Norris: (gingerly picks up the key) Wait. Why are we on different floors?

Eun-soo: I tried to get you two rooms on the same floor, but unfortunately they're all occupied.

Norris: (sighs) Fine. Guess there's nothing left to do.

Kim-lee: Let's uh, head to our rooms, Norris. Get fresh and have some breakfast. I'm starving.

Eun-soo: We have an à la carte menu, with both Korean and European dishes available.

Norris: Sounds good. Looking forward to some good grub.

Kim-lee: You go on. I'll book us a nice table.

Norris: Alright. (He tips his officer's cap to Eun-soo) Ma'am.

Eun-soo: (does a curtsy) Take the stairs to your right. Head to the second floor and you'll find your room.

Norris: (nods in agreement and proceeds to head upstairs)

Eun-soo: (in Korean) Would there be anything else, Mr. Hyun?

Kim-lee: (in Korean) I'll let you know if there is anything that I need.

Eun-soo: (in Korean) One of my staff will send a complimentary bottle of Chardonnay wine to your room. It's from France. One of the best.

Kim-lee: (in Korean) I don't drink. However, I'd be much obliged if you could get me some good quality cigarettes.

Eun-soo: (in Korean) We don't have cigarettes here, unfortunately. But we have good British tobacco pipes available. I could get someone to fetch one for you

Kim-lee: (in Korean) I don't smoke pipes. Actually, I'll just head upstairs. And uh, I'd like a nice table for two, close to the window, please. See to it that it's arranged.

Eun-soo: (in Korean) No problem at all, Mr. Hyun.

(Kim-lee then heads upstairs to the third floor, where his room is. 305 wasn't hard to find, given that the rooms are all in sequence. Kim-lee had to appreciate the cleanliness of this place. The doors were all so clean that they emitted a sort of shine from the lanterns hanging above them.
As Kim-lee entered the room, he was hit by a very fragrant scent. It was a very pleasant smell, though he couldn't identify what the smell was of. His room consisted of a large sized bed, a cabinet, a chair, a small table and a huge balcony. He took off his officer's cap and put it on the table, then took his coat off and put it in the cabinet. He then proceeded to head to the balcony. The balcony had a very polished and shiny looking wooden medium-sized table and a chair, as well as a view. Standing near the railing, Kim-lee closed his eyes as he took in the fresh air that was flowing from his left.
A couple moments later, he headed outside to the dining room. The room was filled with people, foreigners mostly, clad in the finest western clothing. He scanned the crowd and found Norris seated alone on a table for two right next to the window. He went towards him.)

Norris: (seeing Kim-lee approach him) Here he is! What took you so long?

Kim-lee: Sorry about that. I got carried away. Haven't you ordered anything yet?

Norris: I thought you’d do the honours. I tried to, you know. But turns out none of them understand my English. So here I am.

Kim-lee: (laughs a bit) We've gotta do something about that language barrier of yours. (He sits on the chair opposite to Norris)

Norris: No chance, Kim. Learning a new language ain't as easy as it sounds when you're on a job.

Kim-lee: Well, can't argue with that. (He waves to a waiter a distance away) Now tell me, what should we order?

Norris: Anything, as long as it fills our bellies till lunch.

(Kim ordered for the two of them, a simple dish of white bread with assorted butters with hard boiled eggs, finished off with a cup of black coffee. After they had eaten their fill, they prepared themselves to head out.)

Norris: That was a mighty meal you just treated me to, Kim. Thank you.

Kim: The food here is a whole lot better than that gruel we had on the ship.

(They both come to a stop just outside the hotel.)

Norris: Now, how are we supposed to travel here without a horse?

(Just then, a trooper approaches them with two horses, holding them by the reins. He stops near them and gives a salute to both of them.)

Trooper: Sir.

Norris: At ease, trooper. Say, are those horses ours for the taking?

Trooper: Yes, sir. One for you, one for Captain Kim-lee. They're well fed, sir. They run fast too.

Norris: Thank you, trooper. That'll be all.

(The trooper gives one last salute before walking away. Norris and Kim-lee get up on their respective horses and they ride off to the legation.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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