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Blake's POV

Andre? Who's he now? And he called Samaira his best friend. What did I miss? Why am I not aware of him?

Samaira ran and jumped on him. I clenched my jaw. She is hugging another man! I hate it.

"Can you all leave, please?" he asked Samaira's team. They nodded and left. WHAT? Do they listen to him? Who the fuck is he?

I looked at my team and signaled them to leave. They left.

"Espèce de connard! Que fais-tu ici?", Samaira asked the guy when everyone except me left. By the way, they were still holding hands, which was raging me. (You asshole! What are you doing here?)

"Tu m'as manqué bien sur", he replied and winked. Samaira scoffed. I am fuming right now. (I missed you, of course)

"Je t'ai manqué? Avez-vous déjà manqué quelqu'un dans toute votre vie? Non, alors dis-moi. Pourquoi es-tu ici?", she questioned and he chuckled. (You missed me? Have you ever missed anyone in your entire life? No, so tell me. Why are you here?)

"Présentez-moi au moins à votre ami ici présent. Où en êtes-vous maintenant, hein ? Tu m'as toujours taquiné que je n'avais pas d'habitudes", the guy teased Samaira. (At least introduce me to your friend here. Where are you habits now, huh? You always teased me that I had no habits.)

"Andre, that's Blake Mendes, brother's best friend. And Blake, this is Andre Lavigne, my best friend", she introduced us, and we shook hands.

"Ravi de vous rencontrer, Blake. Je suis au courant de votre passé avec Samaira, donc ce n'est pas grave si vous ne voulez pas agir comme des amis pour toujours",he said. I jerked my head towards Samaira and narrowed my eyes.

(Nice to meet you, Blake. I know about your past with Samaira, so it's okay if you don't want to act like friends forever)

"He's my best friend, like Iv is yours. Of course, he knows. Don't you dare look at me that way", Samaira hissed.

"Je suis sûr que même toi, tu me détestes alors. Tout comme Laura", I spoke. Andre laughed it off. (I am sure, even you hate me then. Just like Laura does.)

"Non, je ne sais pas. Je suis un homme aussi. Je pourrais essayer de comprendre les deux côtés. Laura aime trop Samaira parce qu'elle est comme un bébé pour elle. Et je respecte et aime cela à leur sujet. Ne t'inquiète pas, tu n'as pas à me détester. Tu peux aussi me considérer comme un ami",he ensured me. Okay,he's not that bad. But he is still a man. And he's close to Samaira. It still bothers me.

(No, I don't. I am a man too. I might want to try and understand both sides. Laura just loves Samaira too much because she is like a baby to her. And I respect and love that about them. Don't worry, you don't have to hate me. You can consider me as a friend too.)

"Excuse-moi? Je suis ton meilleur ami. L'avez-vous oublié si vite ? Je n'étais même pas parti pendant une semaine", Samaira's pouting. Aww, she looks so cute.(Excuse me? I am your best friend. D id you forget that so fast? I was not even away for a week.)

"Aww, mon meilleur ami dramatique. Je me souviens que tu es mon meilleur ami. Mais même vous savez que je ne juge personne avant d'avoir entendu les deux parties impliquées",Andre said and pulled Samaira's cheek. Ahh, I want to keep him alive and kill him at the same time.

(Aww, my dramatic bestfriend. I remember that you are my best friend. But even you know I don't judge anyone till I hear both the parties involved.)

"Ouais, peu importe. Allons dans ma cabine. Tu viens Blake? Je ne pense pas que nous ayons encore résolu le problème",she said and I nodded. At least she didn't forget that I am still here. (Ya, whatever. Let's go to my cabin. Are you coming, Blake? I don't think we have solved the matter yet)

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