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Samaira's POV

Today's the wedding day! My brother is getting married! I wish my parents were alive to see it. They would be so happy. They loved Siara. Finally, there's joy within us. Everyone's happy. Ivaan and Siara are getting married today and they are expecting a baby. Laura and Brien are planning their future. And then there's us, Blake and me, happily in love. No past, just present, and future.

Ivaan was so nervous before the wedding. But right now, while completing the seven circumambulations around the sacred fire, he looks like the happiest person alive on this earth. And I couldn't be happier for him.

Siara is the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Her smile is so bright. She's happy. And she deserves it. She has been through a lot too. Her parents and brother died in a car accident when Ivaan and she had just started dating. It broke her. We were by her side 24/7. And I'm grateful to God that he gave her the joy she deserved.

I'm overwhelmed right now. I didn't notice when Blake came behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. "I don't have tissues with me right now. Will my sleeves work?" he asked. "What?!" He chuckled, "You are crying, Samaira." Oh! Didn't notice that either. "Has my make-up smudged? I don't want to look like a ghost at my brother's wedding," I asked him and he chuckled again. "You'll look gorgeous anyways," he said and I rolled my eyes. "Not if I have mascara running down my face." "Did you just roll your eyes?" he asked and I nodded. "How many times in a day do you roll your eyes?" he questioned. "Only when you are being too cheesy." He tightened his grip and said, "Then your eyes are going to pop out soon, baby." He said and I chuckled.

The ceremony got over soon and everyone started greeting the bride and the groom. Ivaan and Siara are being poured with wishes and gifts right now, whilst Blake and I are busy making out. Someone coughs behind us, "May I have your attention pls?" we hear Andre ask. "Sure, you may," Blake answers. "Let's go jump on the newlyweds!" Andre exclaims. "Yay! Let's go!" I scream. I withdraw from Blake and jump on Andre. And then both of us dash towards the beautiful couple. I don't know how I am running with my lehenga, but I am glad I can. We bounce on them.

"Congratulations, lovebirds!" I scream and then Andre screams, "Congrats, bitches!" We laugh. "Thank you so much!" they say in unison.

Then Blake, Brien, and Laura join us. "Congratulations, beautiful couple!" All three of them say. "Thank you!"

"Let's dance!" Brien exclaims. Then we go to the dance floor and dance till we are about to faint. Not to mention, we drank a lot. The boys carry us to our rooms.

"You look so pretty," Blake whispers in my ear. "No, you look pretty." He chuckles. "You are wasted." I frowned, "Aren't you?". He smiled, "No, baby girl, I'm not."

Blake's POV

She is so adorable when she's drunk. She tightens her grip around my neck. "I want to kiss you," she whispers in my ear and giggles. "Do you now? But I won't do as you say. I will do whatever you say when you are sober." I say and she pouts. Aww. I tuck her inside the bedsheet and get up to go back to my room. But she grasps my arm, "Please, stay." I consider my options. If I go back to my room, I am going to miss this adorable lady. But if I stay, I can sleep peacefully with her in my arms. I'd like to choose the latter. I quickly remove my coat and shoes and lie down in the empty spot beside her and pull her to me. Everything feels wonderful now. This is my peace. Our peace.

In the morning

I feel a bit shuffling, so I open my eyes. Samaira is awake. "Hi," she says in her beautiful voice. "You look beautiful," I say and she blushes. "You look pretty good too," she compliments and I grin. "Result of sleeping beside you," I comment, and she giggles. "Sure. Now let me go." I pout, "Why?" She caresses my face and says, "Because today is my brother's reception and I'd very much like to go see if everything's perfect." I snort, "Litlle Miss. Perfectionist." She laughs, "Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Mendes," "Anytime, Miss. Kapoor. Or shall I say, Mrs. Mendes?" She gasps.

"What? You don't want to marry me?" I ask, a little scared now. I postponed the proposal from yesterday to today. I thought today will be a better day than yesterday. I didn't want to steal Ivaan's and Siara's shine. It was their day. "Is this a proposal, Mr. Mendes?", she asks trying to put humor in her voice but her face is stern. "Surely not, Miss. Kapoor. You deserve a really fabulous proposal," I respond and she smiles. "It was just a question, Samaira." She nods, "I would marry you this very minute, Blake. Without hesitation." WOW! Didn't expect that reply now. I kiss her. I need her.

After a few minutes, she stops. "Alright, alright, stop. I need to work," she says and gets off the bed, and goes to the bathroom. I lean back. She peaks out from the bathroom. "You need to get out," she says. "Why?" I ask innocently. "Oh, don't act so innocent, Blake. Everyone on this freaking earth knows that you are not at all innocent. So get out!" she exclaims. I pout, "Ouch!" She laughs. "Get out!" she says in a warning tone. "Fine, fine, going." I get up and walk out to the living area. She comes out after 30 mins.

"I thought you'd be gone," she says. "Too boring," I say and she laughs. "Go shower, Blake."

"Oh, why baby? Do I stink?"

"I don't think you've ever smelt bad in your life."

"Oh really?'

"Stop teasing me and go." She's giggling, I know it. But her back is facing me. She's searching for something.

"What are you searching there? Condoms?"

"Blake!" She flushes and I smirk.

"Yes, babe?"

"Shut up and go." Her face is still red.

"But seriously. What are you searching for?"

"I bought a pair of earrings for Siara. For today. I can't fin...found it!" she jumps happily.

I smile. "Glad you did. I'll see you later. After 'showering'" I smirk and walk out.

Samaira's POV

I knock on Ivaan and Siara's door. Siara opens it. "Hey, Sammy!" she hugs me. I hug her back, "Hey, Si!" Ivaan comes out from the bedroom, "Hey, little one." "Hey, brother." Siara pulls me in, "What's up?" I shrug, "Nothing much, I bought this pair of earrings for you. For today. I hope you like it.' I hand her the box. She opens it and smiles. Tears pool in her eyes. "These are beautiful, Samaira." I smile, "Glad you like it." She shakes her head, "I don't like it, I love it! Thank you so much, love." She's crying. I hug her, "You're most welcome, my sweet sister-in-law." Ivaan is smiling. I know how much this makes him happy.

"I have to go now. Need to check out the arrangements," I inform them and they nod. I exit and go out. All the arrangements are perfect. I'm loving this. I'll head north now. Ivaan told me not to, so I'm curious now. I start walking but get pulled, by someone. I slam right on someone's chest. I open my eyes and look up. "Blake! What the hell?" He grins, "Going somewhere, baby?", I roll my eyes.

"I was. Before you decided to pull me. You really love doing that, don't you? Pulling me unexpectedly."

"Oh! You have no idea. It might just be the best thing ever to do. Actually, no. Kissing you is the 1st best thing ever. Pulling you comes second."

"Sure." I'm grinning too. I enjoy being in the comfort of his arms.

"You love it too, Don't ya?"

"I was heading somewhere. I'd like to go." He chuckles.

"Fine, don't accept it. And no, sweetheart. You cannot go north. I assume Ivaan already told you that."

I pout, "But why? What is it? I'm curious. Let me see."

"Aww, my curious little girl. You'll get to go there in the evening. A little patience, please?"

"Fine." He is pleading. How could I say no?

In the evening

Laura is in my room and we are getting ready for the reception together.

"How's it going with Mendes?" she asks, smiling. "Great," I respond. "That's good," she says happily. "How's it going with Brien?" I ask and she blushes. "Amazing," she answers and I smile. They're so cute. "You know..." she began while in deep thought, "I can actually imagine a future with Brien," she says and I chuckle. "Of course, you can."

"What about you, Samaira? Can you imagine a future with Blake? she asks. I smile, "I've been imagining a future with Blake ever since I laid my eyes on him."

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