I can't

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Samaira's POV

It's been two days since Blake left. Now that he is not here, everything feels monotonous. I miss him. I have been calling him every day, but he's ignoring me. He didn't even read the 1000 messages I sent to him.

And looking at all the couples around me, I just miss him even more. Yesterday, Brien and Laura were chatting about their sex life. And then Ivaan and Siara started debating that their sex life was better. And here I am, a virgin. Waiting for her crush to come back.

This is the second time Blake left me hanging. The first time, he went to Canada. And this time too he ran to Canada. I feel like burning down Canada. Because this time it hurts a lot more than it did the last time.

And I don't even know how I will act when Blake finally shows up. I wanna hit him, yell at him. Ask him how many times he intends to leave me alone like that.

I was about to go for a bath when Laura barged into my room. "Privacy, Laura, "I told her. "Oh c'mon. It's just me," she voiced and I sighed. "What are you here for this time?" I questioned.

Ever since Blake left, she's trying to keep me busy with something of the other. Yesterday, she practically forced me to go to my office. But I'll admit, I felt a bit better. My work is my happy place. When I look back at how I started my business and where I have reached now, it makes me delighted.

That's why I am planning to go to the office today also. "You, Siara, and I are gonna go and buy some bikinis," she declared. "What?" I asked to confirm."Yeah," she said."Why?" I asked. "Samaira, love, are you okay?" she asked. Of course, I am not, but she doesn't require to know that. "What do you mean? I am fine," I said nonchalantly. "Then how could you forget that before all the traditional functions, we have a pool party?" she asked, and then it hit me.

She's right. Monday is the pool party, Tuesday is the henna ceremony, Wednesday is the sangeet, Thursday is the Haldi ceremony, Friday is the wedding and Saturday is the grand reception.

"Yup, sorry, it just slipped out of my mind. I'll take a quick shower then we can leave," I told her and then went to the bathroom. I showered quickly and then went to the closet. Laura had already left. I picked out a lavender hoodie and white jeans. Yeah, I'm going bikini shopping in a hoodie. Cool of me right?

Then I strolled out. All of them were already waiting near the cars. Even the lads. "What are the boys doing here? Are you guys going to buy bikinis for yourself too?" I asked trying to be humorous. But I know I failed. "Your jokes are getting lamer, Sammy," Andre said. "Shut up or I'll make sure I embarrass the shit out of you," I threatened. This is one thing I'm good at. Threatening people.

All of them chuckled and got inside the cars. Brien and Laura were in one car, Ivaan and Siara in one, and Andre and I in one. "You went to the office yesterday, how's everything going?' Andre asked. 'Great. I am pleased that my people can handle work well in my absence,' I responded. "That's nice,' he said and I nodded.

Even though I shouldn't ask about Blake, I just couldn't contain myself. "Has anyone heard from Blake?" I asked him and he looked at me. He had a small smile on his face. "I guess Siara did. She asked him when exactly is he coming back," he answered.

"And?" I asked. "And what?" he questioned. 'When is he coming back?" I asked. "I don't know. No one except Siara knows. I guess Blake told her not to tell anyone," he replied and I nodded. I looked out of the window. Fear gripped me. What if he's not coming back?

No. no, no. Not possible. He wouldn't miss his best friend's and sister's wedding. He'll come back. He has to. Because if he doesn't, I'll make sure to hunt him down.

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