prolong part 2 aftermath, kryubi son and death

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After naruto die, every person celebrated like their is not tomorrow, every one thinks kyuubi which kids is having fun and people felt free from them. But see person running which surprised see Jiryua came back running home. He still thinking great elder toad tells him.
(Jiryua: what! The future chamge!
Elder Toad: yes, what I see world change, great destruction can't be save. Great giant rise from land and sea, bring destruction and all tail beasts battle for survival.
Jiryua: this means....
Elder toad: Jiryua, young naruto may be in danger!)
Jiryua reach only find naruto body burn by villagers, and everyone cheers. He drop down and crys for boy, only chance help minato and kushina son gone.
Jiryua:'minato, kushina I'm sorry for not being their for naruto and protect him.
Unknown to him, ground shake from distance location were large object sleep get ready to awaken.

After Kurama flow through the air, his masss damage Chakra body fell to a forest. Kurama open his eyes as see he in a forest near cave system, very peaceful.

Kurama then notice a village a close location, is beautiful village

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Kurama then notice a village a close location, is beautiful village. Have roads look clean, manys house to look at.

Peoole of village look at look Kurama, then they cheer for him

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Peoole of village look at look Kurama, then they cheer for him.
???: great Kurama return!
???: our hope came true!
Kurama then rember this village known as fox village who worship 9 tail fox, and few anbu and leader cover in fox mask and have symbol as well.

Cheif: our great spirit fox have return my people! Every person cheers as kurama felt a similar enegy, he rember someone is precious to him

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Cheif: our great spirit fox have return my people!
Every person cheers as kurama felt a similar enegy, he rember someone is precious to him.
???: kurama is that you?

Kurama: is been far to long Sayuri

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Kurama: is been far to long Sayuri.
Sayuri crys: kurama were you been, people and i been looking for you for ages.
Kurama: got seal up to my host.
Sayuri: that means...
Kurama: yeah, I been seal multiple times before thet betrayed my host and kill him.
Man: that's horrible.
Kurama then coughing blood as everyone fear, Sayuri known what's this is.
Sayuri: kurama what's going....
Kurama: I'm dying.
Sayuri: but how, you cant die is im...
Kurama: I know is impossible but those idiots destroy seal cause negative effects on my Chakra, which kills me inside.

(Play now)
Everyone crys but kurama knows he need a heir since he is dying. Rain starts to pour down as is Kurama well die soon.
Kurama: Sayuri come here.
Sayuri: yes kurama dear.
One she is close,, Kurama focus his Chakra and Sayuri to form a bright light which surprise fox village and hers. Once is light down, see a small fox with similar to Sayuri and kurama traces.

Sayuri look at baby fox, notice young one got close to her

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Sayuri look at baby fox, notice young one got close to her.
Sayuri: this is my...
Kurama: yes, I use my Chakra and your created our son, my heir for 9 tail.
Sayuri: what his name.
Kurama thought for moment and chuckle to say his name.
Kurama: Naruto,his name Naruto.
Sayuri: Naruto our son.
Kurama: yes, name after my host you see me not mindless beasts.
Then kurama begin to fell his body burn, known is time has come.

Kurama: ehh, my final message my son don't ever give up, keep fighting for future of tail beasts

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Kurama: ehh, my final message my son don't ever give up, keep fighting for future of tail beasts. Live my son live.....
Kurama disappear, only leave his son crying of howl for his father. Sayuri as well, she bow able to care of Kurama and her son.
Cheif: is sad day lose lord Kurama, but we as village bust protect son of great tail beasts.
Everyone bow for Cheif and honor the tail beasts. Young fox whimper to his mother, since he only experience his father death.
Sayuri: don't worry my son Naruto, you well grow up to be strong like your father.
Unknown to them, a jinchurikis cover in black coat witness whole event.
???: no, 9 tail fox kryubi die.
Another one came in white cover clothing, witness as well.
???: we must get ready, they are coming soon, war is unavoidable.
Both left in hurry to inform a death of Kurama and his heir son. What war have jinchurikis well face, what's connect to Kurama and what future elemental country they face?

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