At the gym (AU)

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This is an overview of how I think Levi would be at the gym.

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"1, 2, 3, 4"

"1, 2, 3, 4"

"Last one! 1, 2, 3, 4!"


"Not now y/n, it's time for me to cool down"


*You walk off heading to the bathroom to clean up*




*10 minutes later*






"Where were you?"

"I went... to the bathroom?"

"You- Ok..."


*Flashback to while you were gone*

When you left, Levi just went wild cleaning every piece of gym equipment that he was using. Everyone in the room thought he was insane just because he cleans a lot...

Levi even cleaned up what you were using earlier before you left.

By the time you returned back, you had no idea what everyone in the gym had just witnessed. You were very suspicious of what happened while you were gone, but Levi just dismissed it, saying nothing much happened.


"So... anything happen while I was gone Levi?"


"Are you sure?..."


"Then why is everyone looking at you weirdly?"

"Because they are weirdos"


"Come on, let's go, didn't you say you wanted to try that café over there last week when we were at work?"

"Oh y-yeah! Let's go there then!"

(Question him about the gym when you go back home though ;-;)

(That'sabout it, let me know in the comments what you think – Rei)

Levi one-shots by Rei00135Where stories live. Discover now