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Muang Nan is making some coffee for Un and his father. Nan never thought he'll meet Un's father this early in their romance. Un's father looks like a strict person, making Nan's hands and feet cold.

He can hear them talking but he cannot hear the exact words. Maybe he's too nervous that he can't process things in his brain that's why he can't eavesdrop on them.


"Son, how are you?" Un smile at his father. The man looks strict but he is a marshmallow inside once people get to know him.

"I'm doing great dad, you and ma?"

"We miss you of course, you rarely visit us," Un nod happily, he'll do that once the semester ends.

"And take the young man with you," His father gave him a knowing look, Un got nervous, he still didn't say anything about his sexuality to his parents. But his dad hinting or checking if he'll take the bait made him realize it's the right time.

Muang Nan walk in the living room and place the cups in the coffee table and about to leave as he gave a smile to Un's father. Un's hand held his hand to stop him from going back to the kitchen. Shocked, Nan look down to Un. His boyfriend is now looking at his father. His heart is beating too fast. Un's father lean back and cross his arms. Waiting for Un to say something.

"Pa, this is Muang Nan. My boyfriend. We live together," God, he summarized everything in one sentence. Nan's knees become weak, he slowly look at Un's father who is frowning. Fuck. His eyes are wet with unshed tears. He knew it, not everyone can accept their son is dating a man.

Un held his boyfriend's hand tigther. If his father blow up in anger right now he'll protect Nan. God, his father was a soldier. If the man blew up and punch him, he'll gladly take it. He won't break up with the first person who felt the same way about him.

"I see," Un's father said. Leaning forward to the coffee table and get the cup of coffee taking a sip.

"You make good coffee Muang Nan," Dumbfounded. Both of them is just looking at Un's father. Wait what happen? Is it really okay?

"Well, Un's boyfriend. I'm Sunan, you can call me Bas or Pa like Un there," Un's jaw drop and Nan look down blushing.

"Pa!" Un hissed blushing. His father just gave him an innocent look and wave his son off.

"Hush, what's wrong with that? And Muang Nan, please sit... Ohhh, you also cook? I smell Tom Kha Gai earlier," Nan is still out of it. Did the older man really accepted them? Un gently pull Nan so he'll sit beside him.

"Muang Nan?" Bas, Un's father called his attention again. He blink and look at the father and son looking at him with worry.

"Uh, pardon?" Un's dad chuckle, while Un just gave him a warm smile and squeeze Nan's hand.

"Pa is asking if you cook foods Nan, he smell the food earlier when he enter our apartment," Oh, right. He just finish cooking, he covered the pot while making coffee.

"Ah yes Pa, I can pack some before you go home," Nan said so quickly.

"Yes please, I'm sure Un's mother is waiting for me also. Just check on this boy who rarely go home,"

"I'll visit soon Pa, after the semester," Un's father nod in understanding. He smile again.

"I felt you both have something with each other earlier. I'm glad me and Un's Ma watch those BL to understand more about relationships like yours. So when one of our sons tell us their partner is a man we can handle it better," That shock the both of them. Parents watching BL to understand their kids just in case? Muang Nan smile, he wish a father like this. Maybe Un's father is not blood related to Nan but he felt closer to the man than his own father. Or is it really his father? He shake his thoughts off his head and focus on the moment.

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