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Seven more chapters in the textbook to study. Five pages of notes, back to back written. Typing furiously on his laptop for the submission of his research paper.

Muang Nan abruptly stop all at once. Fuck, he is tired. He removed his reading glasses and sigh. He lean back and threw his head back. Arms resting on the chairs beside him. God, he just wants to end this semester.

"Hello Muang Nan," He open his eyes still in that position and smile weakly in the group of girls who greeted him flirtatiously.

"Ladies," he said greeting them back. They all tucked their hair behind their ears. Right, he forgot that he have that kind of effect towards women.

"Need a study buddies Nan? Finals are fast approaching-" He really needs them off his back.

"Nan," He heard someone called him, he sit up straight and look around to find Mork walking towards him.

He chuckle seeing Mork, the ladies that are admiring Nan earlier is now looking at his bestfriend who's smile makes the ladies weak. But the girls smiles for Mork dropped when they saw behind him, Pi. Of course, they're together before finals.

"Ladies," Mork said as a greeting but they just nod and walked away. That's cold.

"Well, that's..."

"You cannot blame the ladies Mork, you flaunting your little boyfriend around, you'll get cold shoulder," Nan said chuckling.

"They won't be happy with you also when they find out about P'Un," Well, true.

"What about that famous guy?" They all look at the person behind Mork and Pi, it's Meen. Mork's younger brother.

"You know him?" Pi asked Meen, the young man nod and blush. Well, fuck.

"He helped me before on my first day in the University," Meen's eyes drew hearts as he remember the moment with Un.

"Meen, you like the guy?" Mork asked with a teasing smile looking at Nan.

"Oh just a little crush," He explained as his ears turns red also. Jealousy, there it is. Creeps inside his chest, traveling up into his mouth like a vomit that wants out. He clenched his fist. Fuck. Why is he feeling like this all of the sudden? Maybe because it's the first time that he sees how Un can affect someone else. He is actually pissed at Meen for liking Un.

"Calm down Nan, Meen doesn't have a clue what's going on. Why not just tell him?" Meen looks confuse. Did he do something wrong? Mork tapped the table that Nan uses and that got a reaction. Nan looks up to Mork.

"Muang Nan just tell Meen, don't clench your fist like you'll just upper cut him," He sigh and say a mental prayer.

"Un is-"

"Muang Nan," A guy from the same department called his attention, he was running?

"Oh, Ohm right?" The guy nod his head panting.

"A guy is looking for you, girls are mobbing him downstairs,"  A guy? Un? He checked his phone on silence. Several missed calls from Un. Shit. He save his research paper that he was typing and close his laptop. Putting his textbooks, laptop and notes inside his bag.

"Ohm, thanks I think we know who is it," Pi said as the guy nod and walked away.

Meen on the other hand is confuse. Who is the guy they are talking about?

Muang Nan got out of the library as fast as he can and went straight to the stairs. Mork, Meen and Pi walks behind him but not as fast as Nan.

When they all got on the first floor, Ohm, true to his words ladies are mobbing Un and Khai. They are giving them snacks and drinks and the guys are just smiling politely at them. Maybe, just maybe Un felt that someone is watching him. He looked around and stopped at a smiling Muang Nan with eyes dancing in amusement.

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