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Un recalled how Nan said he wanted to know more about him and Two before. That was really not a secret.

He wonders if Nan will ask why he is in the Allied Health Sciences department that day that they met each other.

Following Mork to the study room, Un notice how big it is with too much bookshelves. He wonders, what are the stories about them.


Nan watched the two guys walk out of the dining room till they're no longer in sight.

Pi looked at Nan who is blankly staring at where Mork and Un disappeared. Worry painted his face.

"Nan," Pi called his first love's attention. Pi doesn't feel the same way as he felt for Muang Nan before but their friendship took a better turn than before.

"Stop worrying, I'm sure Mork knows the limit Un have when it comes to times like this," Upon hearing Pi's voice, Nan rewarded him with a soft smile.

"I know, it's just I hope that this conversation between them. Un won't see me differently or treat me like a delicate thing,"

"I'm sure he'll understand," Pi isn't sure of Un will but he believes in them. The two of them can over come this.

"It's not that I don't trust you Pi, this is a part of me that I don't want to stay in your mind," Pi nod understanding Nan. Maybe he'll like it this way... Just to see the good things about his first love and not be tainted with anything else from the lad's past.

"I understand," Pi said as he drink his tea.


"P'Un, sit down please. Tell me what do you want to know," Mork said as he got a glass of water and place it in the coffee table, in the front of Un. Mork then sat in the opposite couch facing Un, the playful man is all in his business mode.

"Tell me about Tat," Oh, straight to the point.

"Hmm, he is one of my family's foundation scolar. My father adores the man. A brilliant, young mind they said," Mork said as he remember something and stood up, walking to that one bookshelf. Running his fingers to the book's spine, looking for a specific book. There it is, the yearbook that he is looking for and some of the photographs from the scholars of the foundation. He took it and placed it beside Un's glass of water. Un looked up at him and Mork notions for him to open the book.

"Page 32," Mork said, Un started flipping the pages and stops at 32. The whole page is for Tat Wang. All basic information about him is there. But he is staring at the pictures, yeah, it is the man they saw in the emergency room but older. He is a looker. He is finding similarities that him and Tat have in physical features, there's none. They are complete opposite.

"They met the day Nan decide to visit my father in the hospital while I was finishing a project, we're 17 years old that time," Un stares blankly at the page as Mork tell him the story of Tat on his side of the story.

"I knew Nan since we are six years old. I know all his flaws, emotions and all. I know the man falls way too easily in love with someone who showed him a love he thought will not exist. Nan felt it's destiny," Mork chuckle unhomorously.

"But with you, he tried to just stay away," Un looked at Mork who wears a smile remembering.

"Anyway, when Nan said he is having this relationship with a doctor. I immediately find who that guy is," Mork frown. Un took the glass of water sipping a little bit. He just hold the glass on his left hand while he slam the yearbook close with his right hand putting it back in the coffee table. Mork took the book.

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