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" I can't..please.. don't.. I'm scared..eomma.. appa..NOOO!" 

Y/n hugged her knees closer, supporting her delicate chin overflowing with tears as she sat huddled in a corner of her room. Her body was shaking uncontrollably out of ... cold? Maybe; but more due to anticipation. For the past few hours she could hear nothing else but only those voices... those horrible horrible voices that had always been tormenting her mind for ever. The more she tried to forget, the more they taunted her to the extent that couldn't have been less than trauma..

'Y/n you're..............Y/n really you should................Hah Y/n are you serious........Y/n you...Y/n you should........Y/n Y/n Y/n....'

"Noo! Stop it! I can't." Y/n screamed out of fear and trembled against her bed; her unattended tears again falling down and wetting her pink cheeks. Amongst the cacophony, unexpectedly there came a pleasant melody, a sentimentality of gaiety. Her eyes teared even more. She couldn't be weaker. She has to stand up no matter what. Her unforeseen paradise had brought her some strength through her sorrow, even for just a minute. And she wasn't to be put down by any obstacles how dangerous they might be.

"You can do this Y/n. Just for your precious saviours? Yes of course!"

Comforting herself with these, she got up unsteadily to her bed and prepared for her sleep even though she could sense— her nightmare was coming true.


Dedicated to all fangirls (mainly Army's)

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