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The teacher thumped her hands on the desk to quiten the mixure of excited voices of the noisy class. 

"Now now everyone. Settle down on your respective places."

There was a shuffle of desks and chairs as the class settled and after a minute or two, the surroundings had calmed down though the teacher's sharp ears caught some murmurings from the back benches. The teacher didn't mind that at that moment and took out some papers from her bag. Instantly there was pin drop silence; not even a murmur. The teacher gave them a big smile and announced, "So students, I'm pretty sure you've revised your chapters well so I decided to come up with a surprise test. What do you say?"

Almost the whole class groaned in protest but the toppers were very enthusiastic and urged the teacher to distribute the papers. 

"Jeez, why do we have to give a test now? Like seriously our exams are coming and now a test in between. Wtf!" someone protested from behind.

Again another spoke up, "Really Aeri, we need tests as revision. This will help you to think more clearly in exams and actually help you."

"Oh! Are you my parents to lecture me what's wrong or right?" Aeri stood up with her hands on her hips. 

Sensing the tension brewing, the teacher decided to interfere. 

"Everybody, it will take only 10 minutes of your time if you do it with concentration. So get back to your places and then I'll take you to the field and you can play all you like."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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