chapter.2|white or pale?-2

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'Haaaaaa.... i'm exhausted!' Kim Dokja grumbled in his mind.

'I even hit someone on the way here, what a dumb am i?!' Kim Dokja buried his head in his elbows on the table feeling embarrassed at the thought of what happened earlier.

'I'm not apologize proply to him because of the time limit, i didn't even looking how his face look like but one thing i know is he was buff for sure. My nose hurt from run him over'
Kim Dokja still buried his face and all of the sudden...

"Hey look, the looser didn't came with his baby sitter"

From the crowds there are one person talking and then walk up to where Kim Dokja sat begun mocking him and teased him, but he didn't budge at all because of that and keep his head buried in his elbows.

"Hey, when someone talks to you you have to look at them!"
And he pulling Kim Dokja's hair and make him shocked by the pain.

"Akh..."Kim Dokja still stay in silent because he knew it wont be any better if he mad at them about it.

"Yeah like this, looser should be like this" the rebble pulling Kim Dokja's hair then mocking him and the whole group laughing.


Someone then gripped that reble's hand very tightly.

"What the fuck is your pro-"
That reble shouted but immidiately shut when he saw who just standing beside him.

"Take your hands off him" The tall and muscular man grinted with a deep voice and releasing dark aura near him.

"Geez...ok ok no need to be so violent" he then proceed to walk away from there after being spooked.

'ouch, my hair. He is pulling it too hard it's like he's about to tear it of' Kim Dokja neatly tidy his hair back into place.

"Okay everyone back to your chair the lesson about to begun, Yoo junghyuk please go back to your seat"
The teacher cut him before he could say his word.
"Yes ma'am"

'wait who?' Kim Dokja suprised hearing the deep voice is actually belong to one of the popular student in the high school.

'He help me, why?' Kim Dokja still with his confuse face staring at the taller one, and then he walk to the seat behind Kim Dokja and talking to one of the rebble that laughing at Kim Dokja before.

"Move" Yoo Junghyuk looking at him with a sharp glare.

"Hah?" That rebble a little confuse

"This is my seat now, so move away. You have a problem with that?"
Yoo Junghyuk didn't seem so happy to repeat his word twice.

"N-no i will move"
That rebble was scared for his live so he didn't have any choice but obey him.

'Why is he acting like this all of the sudden? Am i did something wrong to him? No...there is no way, because i've never remember talking to him'
Kim Dokja overwhelmed thinking what in the world just happen.

And suddenly a tiny rolled paper thrown from behind his back in the middle of the lesson.

'What is this, is he throw this to me?' Because of the curiosity Kim Dokja then opened the roll and read what inside.

Look behind, Kim Dokja.

' wait, he knew my name? I never been asked my name even on the first day of class and nobody care enough for that, so how did he know my name.'
Kim Dokja looking at his back and saw Yoo Junghyuk holding up his right hand palm to showing something written there.

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