chapter.4|white or pale?-4

566 17 38

"So this is what happen...



"So what happen is 'my people' was the one who attacking the facility, and when the building blew up they put out the fire and searching for the source of the explosion. And when they enter the room, me who still awake screaming at them to get they attention. They help me and Kim Dokja get out from there, but they took us out from that room because the fire and the smoke is so thick in that room, and They quickly took us to the hospital."

Haan Sooyoung explained what happen after the explosion in her perspective to Yoo Junghyuk.

"And in the way to the hospital Kim Dokja who unconscious because of the explosion wakes up and immidiately yelled "where is he? Is he still in there? We have to helped him" he desperately begging me that he wanted to help you, so i told some of my people to look after you in that building. And when they arived there, you were gone... The fire is already out and the building already swiped out..."

Haan Sooyoung paused her sentece for a second and continue to talk.

"We tought your body was brought by them to the other place."

Haan Sooyoung's face began to sour.

"And when this news got into Kim Dokja's ears.... He blaming himself for your death. And he always had a nightmare about that night, so i brought him to the terapist and they gave a sedative for him drink it before he's sleeping..." Haan Sooyoung lowered her head and fidgeting her finger.

Yoo Junghyuk who heard all of this directly from Haan Sooyoung's mouth became more concern to Kim Dokja who weighed all of that burden on his frail body.

"I just never thought that he will so traumatized after knowing that you were dead after sacrificing yourself. And he always thought -If only I'm not sitting still like a coward maybe he will not dead in that day-" Haan Sooyoung glancing at Kim Dokja who is still unconscious on the couch with regretful eyes.

"Because of that, we just asumed that you were dead and i'm never even once told him your name. It's the best for him to not disturb the past because of his trauma is so bad that can cause him to stressed too much and made him lose consciousness."

Haan Sooyoung looking at Yoo Junghyuk like she was guilty to him.

"I'm so sorry, i'm doing this for his good."

Yoo Junghyuk looking at the girl that explaining what actually happen to Kim Dokja all this time.

"So he suffering with trauma after that incident?" Yoo Junghyuk with concern voice asking about Kim Dokja.

"Yeah, and we keep moving out every few month because of some isues."

Yoo Junghyuk curious about what isues making them keep moving from one place to other every few month.

"What is-*Ring-Ring~*

The door bell ringing and Haan Sooyoung stand up then told me that we will continue the talk for another time.

"My guest has come, i have to move Kim Dokja to his house."

But before Haan Sooyoung could even make a step Yoo Junghyuk interupt her.

"I can bring him to his house" Yoo Junghyuk stand up from his seat and offered himself to take Kim Dokja to his house.

"Are you sure? Wont your parents will woried if you were this late?" Haan Sooyoung asked Yoo Junghyuk with questioning look.

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