Chapter 10: Raphael

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Okay, I'm suppose to be walking into OT-com and getting ready for my tutoring, but my nerves were killing me. Ever since I found out that Natalia Orsini was Nelly Reuben, I realize that my life was fucked. Natalia wasn't gonna make things easy for me, I was sure of it.

I stared at me reflection in my rare view mirror and quickly ran a hand through my hair, straightening it back.

I smirked at myself momentarily forgetting about the nervous feelings in the pitch of my stomach "you're so fucking gorgeous Raphael" I shot myself a wink through the mirror before jumping out the car and making my way through the doors of the magnificent building.

I should be very nervous about Nelly, but I found myself distracted by the ladies.

Damn! this company sure knows how to pick them.

Already familiar with the presidential floor, I got in the elevator and headed up there, my nerves increasing with every passing second.

Wait a minute! Why was I acting so nervous anyway. Its not like she could do any harm to me. I mean I could easily snap her neck with my pinky. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the gist.

The elevator ding open and I stroll confidently towards the president office only to bump into a figure with bundles of office papers and files.

A few fell and I bent down to pick them up because the person's hands were already filled up with tons of files and office folders.

Where was he taking all these trash anyway.

"Sorry" I glance up at him and stumbled back in shock when I realized who it was "Justin!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey man!" He smiled awkwardly, the papers almost blocking his entire face from view, that's how fucking bulky the shit he was holding is.

"What are you... How did you... Why are you gathering trash?" Don't tell me Nelly hired him back as a trash man. That's really cruel.

He rolled his eyes "this is not trash, they are documents I need to deliver to the editing team"

"All these shit?" I asked staring in disbelief at the tons of shit in his hands "don't you need help?"

He attempt to shrug but that caused the to stumble with a threat of kissing the floor "I can manage" he said.

"Wait, did you get your job back?" That couldn't be possible. Natalia wouldn't have made things easy for him.

"Yeah" he answered with a happy smile. "Nelly hired me again"

The words were so hard to believe. The way she looked at Justin at the party would have anyone believe that she was planning his demise.

Unless she plans on acting friendly now so that the cops won't suspect that she was responsible when Justin go missing.

I shook the silly thought out of my head and focused on Justin "man are you sure you're save?" I was genuinely concern for his well being. I didn't trust that boss of his one bit.

"Don't be silly Ralph, I'll talk to you later. I gotta go now" he walked past me towards the elevator and I stood there confused as to what was happening.

Why would Nelly give him back his job so easily. Not that I'm not happy for Justin, I was just scared for him and for myself as well. What if Nelly was planning something hideous.

I walked towards her office which had a president symbol attached to the door and I stroll in without a care in the world.

Natalia glance up at me "you're late" she said dryly as her eyes went back to her computer.

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