Chapter 17: Natalia

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Who would have thought that Lucy Newton, the once wife of a big time billionaire would be so close to death and would be unable to get treatment because she couldn't afford a few dollars?

I may sound cruel, but this is so hilarious to me and I couldn't wait to see for myself. I wanted to see her suffering with my own eyes. The pain in her eyes would be delightful and I was sure her heart would be breaking each day knowing that her days on earth are numbered.

I really love when karma strike this hard. Its just so satisfying.

She was seated up on her hospital bed looking worn and dishevled. There were bags under her eyes and her whole appearance screamen illness. It made me wonder how long she had been ill.

Her eyes widen in shock when she saw me walk in behind Justin. I couldn't help the elation in my heart at the sight of her miserable state.

I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my lips. This woman had made me suffer unbearable pain at a young age, she was even worst than her son, so no one should blame me for loving this.

"What are you doing here?" She asked weakly and also a bit frightened to see me.

"She wanted to see you mom" Justin replied nervously. He tucked a few strands of her hair aside and asked in a gentle voice "how are you feeling, and why are you alone, where is Sarah?"

"I'm fine son. Sarah just step out for a bit of air"

"You two didn't fight again, did you?"

"No, but she's still a bit angry at me for keeping my illness a secret" she sighed sadly.

Justin held her wrinkled hands in his "don't worry mom, she'll come around"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the cliche show going on in front of me. If I didn't know how much of a monster mother and son actually was, I would probably feel sorry for them.

"Its funny to see you like this Lucy" I chuckled earning their attention. There was an empty seat beside the window, a good distance away from Lucy's bed and I walked over and relaxed on it giving her my full attention "seeing you poor and helpless was satisfying but seeing you like this is really funny. Perhaps I should take a picture"

"Natalia please" Justin's voice sounded pained and broken "don't torture us any further"

My blood boiled at his words. Torture them? I haven't even shown them what the words torture really means. What they put me through in the past is worse than torture.

"Justin please leave us a bit. I think Nelly and I need to talk"

Justin seem surprise by his mothers words "are you sure mom?

"Yes son, don't worry, I'll call you if I need anything"

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