Chapter 14: Natalia

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After the incident that occurred in my office that morning, I buried myself in my work in an attempt to keep it all out of her mind.

Why the hell did she show up here! I never want to see her face again! What doesn't she get about that!

I kept on signing away on every single piece of paper on my table barely able to stop the tip of the pen from ripping through the fragile materia.

I was gripping the pen so tightly when all of a sudden it was gently taken away from me.

I look up in annoyance to find Justin standing there with a small smile and strawberry milkshake in his hands.

My annoyance only sky rocketed when I glance at his annoying face "what do the hell do you think you're doing?!"

He didn't seem phased by my tone as he gently place the milkshake on the table in front of me and pocketed my pen "take this and get some rest. You need it"

"And why the fuck do you care about what I need or what I don't need. Who even let you into my office, get the hell out!"

"Calm down okay!" He said softly but firmly and I glared at the nerve of him to disobey my orders. I could still have him fired. "You're obviously hurting and overworking yourself won't solve the problem. You can leave all the work to me. I'll take care of it as long as you just get some rest even if its for a minute"

I was speechless as I stared at him. What is wrong with Justin and his friend all of a sudden. Are they suddenly high on drugs that they are now choosing to be nice to me. I mean, he should be happy that I wasn't in the mood to dump all the paper work on him today yet here he is, offering to do the job himself.

I look down at the strawberry milkshake and instantly, my thoughts traveled to a certain someone I had stopped myself from thinking about all these years and I quickly look away.

"I don't need your pity Justin. You're one of the reasons why I became like this so don't come acting like you care about me now"

"I know. I've made a mistake and I've accepted it. I know for a fact that you will never forgive me Nelly, but I want you to know that I am very very sorry. I wish I could go back to change the past but I can't. All I can offer you now is my apologies and comfort if you would let me"

"I don't need your comfort and I sure as hell do not need you Justin Newton. I can never forgive you for the trauma you put me through no matter how sorry you are. I hope you will go on living with the guilt for the rest of your life" I let out an exhausted breath. I'm both mentally and physically drained of energy and I have no time to be talking about shit "if that's all you can leave and take that with you" I pointed to the milkshake on my table.

"I know you like it" he stated taking me by surprise "it was the one thing I can still remember about you and I thought it would really help calm you down. Please accept it, its the least I can do" he turned around and walk out of my office leaving the milkshake on my table.

My heart suddenly hurt more than it should as thoughts from the past floated into my mind. Depressing Thoughts I've tried to ignore and bury deep down along with the traumatic ones were suddenly coming back to me like strong waves threatening to drown me and cutting the air out of my lungs.

Thoughts of 'him'


"Jake wait up!" I screamed at the brown haired boy as he ran across the field farther and farther away from me.

Who's the bully now! (THE BULLIED SERIES) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now