From Yours Truly

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I was planning to make you a short poem
Something straightforward and direct
But somehow,
The words keep on flowing like a river
With no idea when it will ever stop.


Maybe that's just the way I feel about you
Emotions with no halt as I continue to grasp
And even if I did let go of all the emotions,
The time would go back over and over
Almost as if its meant to be with me.


Whenever I think of you even on a normal day,
My heart gets warmer by the thought of us
And not just the typical cliché that people think,
I think of the good and bad days combined
Almost close to tragedy but it's so beautiful.


The rain pours down on a cold sunday morning
And you're the coffee that I need to be cozy
Craving for your hug that feels like a blanket
Not wanting you to leave my side and
Hoping that you stay close for a second more.


It's complicated in ways I cant put into words
But I understand the feeling at the same time
And every attempt for me to translate it all,
I end up saying every word to ever exist
Feeling like it wouldn't be enough to describe you.


The love is not typical and nobody knows
How it radiates and how it both makes us feel
And it's so comforting yet so formidable
Wishing I knew what we could do about it
So you can be finally here forever with me.


I blurt out so many perplexing contemplations
I doubt that everybody else will comprehend
Except only you who sees everything I mean
And I am sorry for not seeing things the same
I have been so dumb surrounded by insecurity.


There is nothing that is going to stop me
For loving you despite how complicated I am
I want to be here by your side no matter what
Like you were always here with me all this time
We may run away but we've been each other's home.


I know I ruin things because of my cruel mind
I want to find a way to make this all just stop
To live without worries from the uncertainty
For us to be together even when we're tired
To start over and over again to make it compatible.


Every morning I wake up wishing to turn back
The time so I can make everything right for us
To make and build a type of notable love
Where you do not have to be hurt anymore
And that I have finally learned all my lessons.


Take a step back from the fire infront of you
Do not step any longer or you'll feel pain
This is the reality that I have put us through
I ignited another tribulation for both of us
And I do not want to attempt to injure you.


Maybe this is really how it should go for us
To be in a certain distance and not too close
So that we would never lose each other
To entirely not give up but to also not force it
And so that we will never be really apart.


Billions of stars now shine bright upon the sky
Meteors passing by among the vast space
All I can ever do is look up the starry night
And have faith that things will finally be better
Hoping that the universe will guide us both.


I stand infront the water fountain with a coin
Surrounded by the dark and eerie of the night
Ready to let go of my fears and go with the flow
No matter what the outcome of the both of us,
I wish that we will be together more than forever.


I cross my heart and hope to die,
That even when a massive wave of nodus comes
And tries to keep me apart from the heavenly you
I will find a way to find wherever you are,
For I am already yours and I only belong to you.

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