Chapter 8

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Angel's POV

Last night' sleepover was a blast, the best sleepover I have ever had in my life but the morning after is always the worst cause we slept really late, I think we sleep in the early hours of the day and the cherry on top is that my phone's alarm woke me up abruptly which is rude by the way.

I opened my eyes and looked around and saw Andy still asleep, I grabbed my phone and shut up the alarm, then I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:02am in the morning on a school day to make matters worse, damn I love weekends. I saw 32 missed calls from Jace, 19 from Aiden and 12 from Mason, song with multiple voicemails, about 50 voicemails I think, well that's a lot. I can feel the love. I deleted everything without listening to them because it was a lot. I got up from our makeshift bed and woke Andy up from her peaceful slumber.

"Get up Andy, we have school today" I said shaking her awake.

"Whatttttt" she said turning over to look at me with her hair all over her face.

"We have school" I said smiling at her exhaustingly.

"It's morning already??" She said sitting up and stretching.

"Yes it is. Am going to shower. You can use one of the guest room showers" I said walking up the stairs. I saw Andy grabbing her phone and scrolling through.

"Geez, so many missed calls" She said tiredly.

" I know, I got about 50 voicemails and multiple phone calls". I said pausing on the stairs.

"Oh shit, I don't have anything to wear today" she said trailing behind me sluggishly while running her hand through her hair.

"You can take some of mine. We are about the same size" I said opening my room door and going in just as Andy entered the guest room close to my room. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and showered thoroughly, I decided not the wash my hair today cause I washed it yesterday. When I was done showering, I grabbed a towel, dried down and wore a robe.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Andy sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"That was quick" I said gesturing for her to follow me into my walk-in-closet.

"Yeah, need enough time for breakfast. Am starving" she said walking into the closet with me.

"Help yourself. And we will have to stop by the breakfast dinner for some coffee cause I have none at home and I need to wake up so bad" I said as Andy and I sat in the sofa in my closet and applied some moisturizer on our bodies. When we were done, we went on the apply some make up, fixed our hair and got dressed.

        (Angel's outfit)

     (Andy's outfit)

When we were done with that, we went downstairs to kitchen to have breakfast. Because we were getting late we decided to have cereal instead, cause cooking will take so much time, time we didn't have. We took out two bowls from the cupboard, grabbed some cereal and milk, then we poured them in our bowls, grabbed spoons and started eating.

"Are you riding with me or are you taking your car" I asked Andy when I was almost done eating.

   "I will tag along with you. Am too tired to drive. Damn, I need some coffee in my system" she said grabbing two glasses and pouring us some water and setting it beside us.

  "Okay" I said drinking the remaining milk in my bowl. When I was done, I grabbed my bowl, went to the sink, washed my brown and spoon, dried it and kept them. I grabbed my glass of water and downed it as Andy was washing her bowl, spoon and cup. When I was done with the water, I dropped my cup in the sink and went to one o the drawers and grabbed a random key. Andy and I grabbed our bags, phone and accessories, and went to the garage. We look for the car I picked and it turned out to be a Mercedes Benz-AMG-G 63 Brabus 700 Rocket, long name yeah. But I know my cars and this is one my favorites.

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