Chapter 10

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Danielle pov
    We land in New York and having the address of Amanda's we go to her house. On the way there I call Ryan and then Alexis talks about where we go and what shops we will visit.
    Amanda has given me in the past, keys for her apartment so we go in. She is at the theatre doing last-minute rehearsals. We take showers and order food. We go for a walk in the afternoon and we return to the apartment for dinner. Around ten Amanda enter her apartment
    "Amanda," I say and I stand up from the couch
    "Dany. Oh my God, I missed you so much" she says and she hugs me tight. I hung her back
    "I missed you too."
    "Hi, Alexis. How are you?" She says to Alex and they hug
    "You hungry?" I ask
    "No. We eat at the theatre. Come on sit. Tell me your news. How the things with Ryan?" She says and we sit on the couch
    "They going good. If you know what I mean" Alex says and they laughing
    "He is good with you?" Amanda asks
    "Yes, he is perfect. At a point that I think that everything is a dream", I say and she passes her hand around my shoulder and she hugs me
    "You deserve that. Don't ever doubt about that" she says and we continue chatting. She goes early for sleep. Tomorrow is her premiere and I going to spend all day with her the day after the premiere. The next day I wake up by my phone ringing.
    "Damn it. Is it Ryan? My God, he can't be away from you even for a day. Agh" Alexis says and she put her pillow on her head. I look at my phone and yes he is Ryan.
    "Good morning," I say and I get off the bed and I enter the bathroom
    "Good morning baby. Did I wake you up?"
    "Yes. And not only me. Alex too. We are in the same room"
    "Shit. Sorry. I just want to hear your voice and say good morning" how sweet
    "You did good baby. She will be ok. I wanted to wake up early anyway. How are you?"
    "Miserable. I miss you"
    "Aww did my baby miss me already?"
    "You can even imagine. I barely slept without you" truth be told I sleep a few hours too
    "Tomorrow night I fly back. Little patience"
    "I can't wait." He says and I smile
    "What do you do today?" He asks
    "Don't remind me. Shopping. Alex will take me to I don't know how many shopping stores." I say and I giggle
    "Well, you will have more fun with me. I have to go to the company and then to see clients"
    "I thought you liked your new job?"
    "I do. But I didn't wake up with you this morning so my day will not be good"
    "We don't sleep every night together"
    "Yeah, but we are in the same town. I came from the salon to see you. Now you are away" I laugh
    "Ok. I miss you too. Just a little patience." he sighs
    "Ok baby. My parents wait for me for breakfast. Call me later ok?"
    "Ok baby." We hung up and I'm getting ready.
    "Alex. I'm going to make breakfast. Get dressed you want to go shopping remember?" I say and she opens her eyes when I say shopping
    "Yeah sure." She says and she gets up running to the bathroom. I laugh as I go to the kitchen.
    We eat breakfast and we leave. I don't know how much time passes and as I wait for Alex I call Ryan. After five we were at the apartment. We take shower and get ready for the premiere. I wear a lacy-fitted sleeveless dress that hugs my curves. With Ryan, my confidence is high, I wouldn't dare to wear a dress like that.
    "You look hot" Alex day as she comes outside the bedroom with her red silk dress matching perfectly with her black hair.
    "Thanks so you do. Red is your color"
    "Thanks. Let's go" we take our coats and leave the apartment.
    The performance was amazing. Amanda is fantastic, me and Alex I couldn't stop talking about how much success is the play is.
    "Dany, Alexis come. All the cast has a party. You will come with me." Amanda says and we go take a taxi. On the way to some club, we talk about the play and how good it was. We arrived at the club and we go in. Amanda makes the introductions with the actors of the show as the other supporters of the play. I was at the table, Alexis and Amanda were dancing and I drinking and texting with Ryan. Why my mind can't focus on anything else?
    "Hi, beautiful." I look at my left and I see an actor who plays with Amanda smiling at me
    "Hi. Roberto right?"
    "I'm happy that you remember me," he says and he comes closer
    "Why don't dance?" He asks and he is stuck on me, our shoulders touching
    "I was but I stop to take a breath," I say and I move farther
    "I have to say this. You look like Amanda's sister. You both are so beautiful and sexy" I almost choke with my drink
    "Are you ok?"
    "Yeah I'm fine," I say and I wipe my chin. He passes his hand around my shoulder and I frown
    "What are you doing?" I say and I try to go farther again but he holds me
    "Can you please let me go?" I say and I move my body
    "Come on baby, we will have fun," he says in my ear. The word baby from his mouth makes me want to vomit.
    "Let me go," I say and I push him back. I stand up and I walk to the dance floor near the girls
    "Are you ok?" Amanda asks and they look worried
    "Yes. I'm now. Can you please watch that guy Roberto not come near me"
    "What happens?" Alexis asks
    "I don't know if is his style or he is drunk but I don't want him near me. He doesn't know the word no" I say and they understand
    "Let me.."
    "No Alexis. Just stay near me" I tell her
    "Ok let's go to the bathroom to fresh up ok?" I nod and we walk there. The rest of the night was better. Roberto finds another girl to spend time with and we return to the apartment.
    'We are at the apartment. I will call you in the morning. Love you' I text Ryan. And I get ready for bed. Tomorrow I have to spend time with Amanda and Alexis.

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