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Daniele pov
    "How does that look, Mrs. Butler?" I ask one of our best clients. She supported me and Alexis from the beginning when we opened this beauty salon. The A&D salon. I and Alexis are best friends since kindergarten from the first day that some boys teased me because I had a little more weight on me. Alexis got caught in the middle and she supported me. Since that day she has got my back and I have her. When we finished high school we entered a beauty school college. I graduated as a hairdresser and makeup artist and Alexis was into nails and she takes a class as a masseuse. We moved from our town, finished school and we didn't come back. Alexis's aunt told us to move to her city in North Karolina and we opened here a beauty salon. And she will help us as more as she can. I didn't want to go back to my hometown and of course, Alexis understood and followed me here. My parents were never by my side. They have more love for my sister Amanda. The skinny, beautiful, tall, and blonde Amanda. Always she was their favorite daughter. Everything she does is perfect. She is perfect. I was the ugly, chubby girl. My boring brown hair and my fat ass were always topics in the house. And of course, my return wasn't an option. I have accepted my body the way it is. I do exercise not to lose more weight but to be fit and healthy that way. Because of my job I like to change haircuts and hairstyles on my hair. I have tried short, medium, and long hair. Now the length of my hair is a little lower than my shoulders and I have changed color from brown to ginger. I am so in love with that color.
    "Danielle you are amazing. They are perfect thank you" I smile and I thank her. I finish drying her hair and she looked again at the result.
    "Perfect. Can you show me a few hairstyles for my daughter's engagement party"
    "Sure, Mrs. Butler," I tell her some ideas, she paid, we arranged a new appointment to do her nails and she left the salon. Alexis is busy with Mrs. Lee, a friend of her aunt's. So I sit at the cash desk and I look at magazines with haircuts. My next appointment is in half a half-hour so I have time. The rest of the day goes by as all the days. We close the night and we go home. We live together in a two-bedroom house, well the last few months Alexis sleeps over at her boyfriend's, and that night is one of those nights. Scott is already outside waiting for her.
    "Hi Scott"
    "Hey, Danielle. How are you?"
    "I'm fine. Thanks. How is work?" I ask and Alexis kisses me for goodnight.
    "Do you want us to drop you off?" Alexis asks
    "No. I'm good. I will walk. I won't stop at Mrs. Lee's to take a few things. Thanks anyway" she enters the car
    "Goodnight. See you tomorrow" I say and they also goodnight and they leave. I walk to Mrs. Lee's market to take chicken breasts to make for dinner.
    "Hi Mrs. Lee"
    "Hi, sweetie. How are you?"
    "I'm good. You?"
    "Excited. My daughter is coming for Christmas. I will see her in a month"
    "That's wonderful. I know you miss her a lot. You haven't seen her in two years right?"
    "Yes. I can't wait to hug her again" she says as we put my stuff in my bag. I wish my parents loved me as much. My mom barely talks to me when I am with them. And when she does it to insult me about my weight. The same goes for my dad. Amanda my sister most of the time she was ignoring me. I don't blame her she was the popular one, she doesn't have the time for me. She's one year younger than me. When she finished high school she moved to New York to study acting, she has talent. She called me and she said she is sorry if she hurt me and she wants to be on good terms. I accepted, my problem is not with her anyway. I visited her in New York and we are very close since then. We talk once a week. This year she has booked a role in a theatre and I promise to go see her.
    "That is it sweetie" Mrs. Lee woke me up from my thoughts.
    "Yea. Mrs. Lee" I pay we say goodnight and I left for home. I put the chicken in the oven to cook and I go for a quick shower. I ate and I watched a movie. Then I started to get sleepy and go to bed. All my days as more like this. Work the home and the next day work again. When I first moved here I had a boyfriend, Eric, a really good guy. He was my first. But he wanted to continue his studies in medical school in Canada. So we broke up on really good terms. We still communicate. We call each other for birthdays, Christmas. He is getting married after Christmas with Carol, they meet at the hospital where they work together. He sounds so happy and I couldn't be happier for him.
    For the last three years, I'm alone. Most guys want a body like Alexis and Amanda's. I don't have a problem with that. My grandma uses to tell me before I lost her, that 'there one person in the world for all of us'. So I'm sure mine is somewhere out there, I just have to be patient.
    At the end of the week, nothing changed. The same as always and I like that routine. Me and Alexis I clean the salon for close.
    "I have something to tell you but don't get mad please." Oh when she says that she has done something already
    "Okay. What did you do again?" She looks shocked
    "Why do you say that?"
    "Alex I have known you for more than twenty years. I know exactly when you have done something"
    "True. As I know you" she smiles
    "Ok what happened"
    "Tomorrow you have a date. With one of Scott's colleagues," she says and she takes a step back
    "What? Why didn't you do that?" I say and I try to hold back my anger
    "You are alone for so long sweetie."
    "So? Maybe I like to be alone. And if I want someone I will go out to find them. I don't need you to find him for me"
    "Please. One night maybe he is the one. For me" my God when she uses that 'for me' I could kill for her. I take deep breaths
    "I'm sorry Alex. I can't. Every time you set me up a date it ends up a disaster"
    "Please, please. Stephen is a really good guy"
    "did you tell him about my appearance?"
    "No. What's wrong with it" I glare at her
    "You have a great curvy body with an amazing personality. He will love you"
    "Alex most guys want with an amazing personality a good slim body"
    "Nonsense. Please for me" she says and plays with her eyes
    "My God. Fine, but if he is a jerk I'm leaving"
    "He is not. Thank you thank you thank you. Tomorrow night I will tell you the place" we finish cleaning and we head home. We choose what I'm going to wear. A royal blue-fit dress with black heels and clutch. I hope I do not regret this.

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