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Y/n POV:
not spell checked.


Today was pretty boring, i had already done my lessons i didnt have her lecture today.

I only have them on mondays, wednesdays, thursdays and fridays.
which is alot, but its  to go there and learn.
So do I really have a choice?

i plan on surprising my girlfriend, i already have the flowers and some chocolate, i got me and her two tickets for the cinema too, i really hope she enjoys it all. she doesnt know i moved, which will be great as it will be a good surprise. I hope.

all im doing right now is trying to figure out what i should wear.


after basically trashing my apartment with clothes, i just chose to wear black jeans and my favourite hoodie.
dont judge, they are comfy and easy to ride on my motorbike with.

I straightened my hair, putting on some light makeup, only some mascara and lipgloss.

i grabbed everything, making my way out of my apartment, locking it behind me.

i coudnt hide my excitement even if i wanted to.
i climbed onto my motorbike, putting the bag with my presents in behind me.

just as i were about to drive away, i saw a familiar face.

My professor.
i gave her a slight wave, as to which she did back, she doesnt at all seem rude, or like a mean person.
i guess the rumors were wrong.

I drove off, making my way to my girlfriends house.
her name was Gamora, shes so kind and caring.
we havent been dating long, just over a year, but it feels like ive known her my entire life.

i parked just a few houses before hers, so she woudnt see me.

i grabbed the stuff, and the keys.
i made my way to the backdoor, i made my way up the stairs, i saw her bedroom door closed.
i assumed she was sleeping, so i quietly opened the door.

oh boy i was so wrong..

i saw her in the same bed as another woman, black hair, i coudnt see her eyes, as they were both asleep.

i saw clothes scattered across the floor, both of them naked in the bed, hardly even covered with any covers.
they were wrapped in eachothers, arms. cuddling.

my eyes began to sting, tears wanting to fall.

two can play that game.

i grabbed my phone, and quickly took a picture of them.

i made my way downstairs, walking outside, i closed the door behind me.

i rang Gamora's number, pretending like i didnt see anything, soon enough she answered.

"hey babe." she said.
"hey! im outside, mind letting me in." i said wiping away any tears.
"oh sure, i didnt know you were coming.?" she said, sounding awfully surprised

i hung up, not wanting to answer.

i heared the door start to open, so i put on my 'fake smile'

"babee" i said hugging her.
"hey." she said pulling away from the hug.

"just wanted to give you a few things" i said smiling.
"sure, livingroom?" she said walking to the livingroom.

we sat down, i took out the chocolates, and flowers handing her them.
i saw a flash of guilt overwash her.
"thank you babe, you didnt have to" she said taking in the scent of the flowers.

"also, just this cute picture" i said, finding the picture of.. them.

"okay" she said waiting patiently.
i pulled up the picture smirking to myself.

"Just, that" i said showing her the picture.

"babe i- let me explain." she said grabbing my hand.

i let my emotions wash over, tears running down my cheek.
i stood up, walking to the door.

"we're done." i said opening the door.
"no im sorry, let me explain" she said following behind.

"there isnt anything to explain, i saw it all myself." i said getting into my motorbike.

"go have fun with your other girl." i said starting the engine.
"oh fine, fuck you, you weren't worth it." she said walking back inside.

i sat on my bike, taking in those words, her words cut deep, why? I really don't know, they were just words, but coming from someone other than myself, it hurt.

i drove away, making my way to my apartment.

Surely she didn't mean those words.


i got in, slamming the door behind me.

i coudnt be bothered changing. so i just tied my hair up, and got into bed, it was still early but I felt drained, like something had sucked the life out of me

i kept replaying her words in my head, before i drifted off shortly after, her words never once leaving my head.

You weren't worth it

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