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Y/n POV:

I open the wooden door to her class, waltzing in, a smile forming on her face as I do.

This woman is so cute 

I make my way to my seat, and took out my notebook and pen, the lesson was soon to begin, and since people were still entering whenever suited them, I decided to shoot Scar a little text.

Y/n: Hopefully this lesson isn't as boring.

Scar: I'll try make it as exciting as I can love.

Y/n: as will I.

I placed my phone down, watching as she gave me a stern look for having it out, I began taking notes as she talked, making short lived eye contact with her every few minutes or so, which was killing me.

"A  certain teacher will be coming in to watch the rest of our lesson later on considering it's a double, so I trust you will all be on your best behaviour." Scarlett said, making direct eye contact with me as she finished the last of her sentence.

Was that aimed?

I watched as the other teacher made her way in a while later
It being-
"Mrs Connor!" Scarlett exclaimed as she made her way in, a toothy grin playing on her face

Out of every teacher?
I do love Mrs Connor, but why her? There are other teachers who specialise in the field of language as such, so why choose the English literature and language teacher?

I watched as she sat at the front, beside Scarlett's desk.
She begun talking to Scar, as we got on with a little task Scarlett had given us

I finished it as quickly as I could
"Done" I said, making Scarlett's head turn to me.
Just as I wanted
"Already? Let me check" she said, furrowing her eyebrows.

She struts over, leaning over to check my answers.
"What are you doing?" I said, watching as her eyes moved from my paper to my eyes
"Excuse me?" She says, again furrowing her eyebrows at me

"Why did you choose her to be here?" I asked, tilting my head to look at the woman in question, who was looking back at me
"We can discuss it at the end"

She walked back over to Mrs Connor, and began talking to her once again

Once the lesson had ended, I made my way to the front of the class, waiting for the conversation to spark between me and Scar.

"Thank you for watching my lesson today" Scarlett thanked Mrs Connor, to which she nodded
"Oh, y/n I've marked your assessment, I'll get it to you as soon as possible" Mrs Connor turned to me
"Oh thank you" I replied, looking over to Scarlett who was studying the conversation Infront of her

Scarlett POV:

I watched as Y/n and our guest began talking about the work, the assessments, and so on

The boring stuff

I leaned against my hand, studying the conversation.
Y/n was trying something, I could see it.

"I'll walk you to the door" Y/n spoke, and began walking over to the door with Mrs Connor.

I stood up, arising from my desk, and made my way over to the two who were now talking at the door
"Everything okay?" I asked, a hint of bitterness within my tone.
I watched a smile appear on Y/n's face as she nodded at me
"Yes sorry Miss Johansson, I'll be on my way" Mrs Connor said, letting herself out of room
Both y/n and her bidding goodbyes as she did

"What are you doing now" I asked, taking a step toward Y/n.
"What do you mean?"
"Y/n I could see what you were trying to do" I said, crossing my arms over my chest
"Scarlett if you are jealous just say that" She replied, her hand coming to rest on my waist

I shook my head, walking back to my desk taking a seat behind it.
Y/n trailing behind slowly
"No more classes?" I asked, only now realizing the time
"Considering you are my last class, I don't think so" she replied, taking a seat at my desk with me
I rolled my eyes at the sarcastic comment and began working on papers

As I did, y/n spun on her chair, played with a
pencil, her hair, her rings, anything she could find
It was cute, adorable I must say

"You can go" I excused, watching as she shook her head, confusing waving over me at the sight
"I'll wait on you, I've got time" she said, spinning on her chair once again

I put my head back down and carried on working

She's so cute, waiting on me when she could be at home in the comfort of her own bed, but she's sat here... Spinning instead

I  finished the work as quickly as I could and grabbed my stuff, y/n failing to stay awake
"I'm done, let me take you home" I said, tapping her on the shoulder gently

She slowly got up, gathering her things
We walked to the parking lot
Y/n failing to keep up

I stopped and gently intertwined my hand with hers, trying to help her stay awake
Smiling to myself at the sight Infront of me

I helped her into my car, and got myself in quickly, both of us doing our seatbelts

"I guess that date will have to be tomorrow?" I chuckled, looking over to see Y/n had passed out

Tomorrow it is

I thought for a second before changing direction and taking her to my house

It sort of seems like I'm kidnapping her, but the thought of waking up tomorrow and seeing her.
I don't want anything else,and plus I really don't think she will even make it to her own apartment

I park up in front of my house, get out and walk around to open Y/n door
"Cmon Y/n" I said gently, no movement coming from her
I gently picked her up bridal style, closing the car door as quietly as possible
I unlock the door to my house, entering and shutting the door, a little too loudly
earning an unsatisfied yawn from the girl in my arms

I make my way upstairs, and lay her on my bed
I think for a moment before I gently slip her shoes off
"Y/n" I said, tapping her gently.
Her eyes flutter open, watching me
"Do you mind if I change you?" I ask, watching as she allowed me to, falling back asleep nearly instantly

I grabbed some pajamas from one of my drawers
And began to change her, replacing the last pair of clothes with the new

Once she and I were changed, I climbed into bed beside her, cuddling into her gently, my arms wrapping around her waist

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