I Can Save Your Life (Kellin Quinn fan fiction)

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Hi everyone! This is my first story, so I apologize if it's not the best, but im working on it! c: Anyways, this is just the intro - the character Ell's view on life.

*Ell - age 22*


I used to fear death. In fact, it was the scariest thing in the world to me as a child. Just the idea of being gone, with nothing but loneliness for the rest of eternity made me shudder at the thought. I used to think that all there would be left of me after I die is a cold, fearful emptiness that will last for ever, with no way to reverse it.

Lately, though, I've been finding that the more time passes, the more I desire it, as cruel as it sounds. Death would mean no more stress, no more worries, but only the long-waiting peace that has been patiently waiting for my presence for years.

Unfortunately, most people don't understand me or any part of this concept. Some would even classify me as "insane". That's why I'm not the least bit open with my thoughts. I have a constant fear of being judged.

Of course, you probably would be worried too, if you were a person like me: bullied since the age of 11, abused by my parents almost every day of my torturous childhood, and raped, only at the dreadful age of 15. The thought of that day, each and every one of those memories, every single name I was called, they came back to haunt me every day.

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